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Upcoming, Important Dates:

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Presentation on theme: "Upcoming, Important Dates:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Upcoming, Important Dates:
01/05/2018 Upcoming, Important Dates: Add these dates to your agenda, as they apply to you: THIS WEEK: Get your blue Panther Card signed and returned by Monday! Friday – Report Card Distribution NEXT WEEK: Mon. (01/08) – P.T.S.A. Members jeans day - Blue Panther Card signature due If you are not eating, you must read something of your choice. HOMEROOM = SILENCE

2 Language Arts – Warm Up 01/05/18
Alphaboxes - Nouns Use the tips below to help you with your worksheet: Proper nouns are capitalized. They name a special person, place or thing. Examples: Walgreens, Floyd Middle School, Peter Pan. Common nouns are not capitalized. They name a common person, place or thing. Examples: dogs, stores, desks No, you may NOT use any of these examples on your worksheet. You must come up with your own!  If you do not finish this sheet in class, you must finish it for homework!

3 Language Arts – Work Session 01/05/18
Essential Questions: How can I reflect what I’ve learned in the second quarter? Standard: ELASE6RL3 – Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution. Learning Targets: Define the concept of change through the reading of a narrative. Apply understanding of narrative elements to reading and writing.

4 Language Arts – Work Session 01/05/18
Nouns Games Continue to work with your group to create a game based on nouns. There are templates to help you create your games. You must: Create a game based on nouns – common, proper, use of nouns, and/or pronouns; Include the instructions and answers for your game; Prepare the game so that other students may play them. Play your game before others do!; We will finish creating these games Thursday and play them next Friday. Ask me for construction paper or other pieces you may need to create your game. You never know-I just may have something that works!

5 Language Arts – Closing Session 01/05/18
Nouns Games Continue to work with your group to create a game based on nouns. There are templates to help you create your games. You must: Create a game based on nouns – common, proper, use of nouns, and/or pronouns; Include the instructions and answers for your game; Prepare the game so that other students may play them. Play your game before others do!; We will finish creating these games Thursday and play them next Friday. Ask me for construction paper or other pieces you may need to create your game. You never know-I just may have something that works!

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