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Back to School Night 2014-2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Back to School Night 2014-2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back to School Night

2 About Miss Moudry

3 Contact Information (7:50 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.)

4 Announcements Snacks/Birthday treats Young Peacemakers program
Absences more than 3 days - Vacation note to Mrs. Powers Carpool - Note to Mrs. DeFazio (no s, please) Entrance/exit changes All School Picnic - Sat., September 27

5 Special Schedule Mondays: Gym, Library, and Band Tuesdays: Spanish
Wednesdays: Chorus and Art Thursdays: Gym and Computers Fridays: Music and Chapel

6 Individual Behavior Clip Chart Ready to Learn Good Choices
1 Raffle Ticket Role Model 2 Raffle Tickets *Raffle winners choose a prize or lunch with the teacher.* Clip Chart Think About Your Choices Warning Teacher’s Choice Consequence Behavior Reflection Log

7 Class Behavior Brownie Points Full jar = 1 brownie added to the pan
Each brownie = 5 minute reward, treat, or prize Full pan = 20 minute reward

8 Homework 30 minutes of homework
*Contact me if your child is struggling with the concepts or if this time frame is consistently longer than 30 minutes.* Forgotten Homework Homework Binder Responsibility for a quarter No Homework Pass

9 Homework Tips Try to set up a routine
Child should check off completed assignments. Green folder: Left side - Left at home Right side - Right back to school

10 Assignment Book *Check assignment book daily, please.*
First nine weeks: Student Parent Teacher

11 Assessment Outline Please note that we are in the process of changing the names of the report card categories, but the grading process and expectations will remain the same.

12 Matthew 18 Principle If you should have a concern regarding your child, our class, or our instruction, please contact me directly. Miss Moudry + family meet Mrs. Powers + Miss Moudry + family meet

13 Our Class I am looking forward to a great year of learning and growing alongside of your children! Thank you for sharing them with me.

14 Please leave the completed surveys on your desk.
Thank you for coming! Please leave the completed surveys on your desk.

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