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1 Italy

2 Type of government/Constitution
United States Leader: President of the United States Name of current leader: Barrack Obama Elected or appointed: Elected Length of term: 4 years Background/Qualifications needed: natural born citizen, at least 35 years of age, and been a resident of the U.S. for at least 14 years.

3 Type of Government/Constitution
Italy Leader: Prime minister Name of current leader: Mario Monti Elected or appointed: appointed Length of term: 7 years Background/Qualifications needed: to be an Italian Citizen, to be almost 50 years old, and to have all civil and political rights.

4 Lawmaking body/ Congress
United States Congress Bicameral Structure How many people: 435 representatives

5 Lawmaking body/Congress
Italy Bicameral structure How many people: 630 members

6 Freedoms United States The freedom of the press and the freedom of religion are protected by the First Amendment of the bill of rights and are guaranteed to all Americans.

7 Freedoms Italy Freedom of speech/press: there are excessive restrictions on freedom of expression Freedom on Religion: everyone is entitled to freely profess beliefs in any form, individually or with others, to promote them, and to celebrate rites in public or in private, provided they are not offensive to public morality. Right to bare arms: hand gun permits are much harder to obtain. Usually permits are granted to those whom the government decides have a “need” to carry firearms for self defense, such as jewelers or other persons who carry valuables for business purposes.

8 Political Parties The United States has a two party system. A two party system is a form of party system where two major political parties dominate voting in nearly all elections, at every level.

9 Political Parties Italy has a multiparty system. A system in which multiple political parties have the capacity to gain control of the government offices.

10 Elections and voting United States You have to be 18 years of age to vote You have to be a citizen and cannot be a felon. Elections are held every 4 years. Primary and General Elections are held.

11 Elections and voting Italy You have to be 25 years of age to vote. Anyone who is a citizen is allowed to vote Elections are held every 7 years. They have snap general elections

12 Taxes and Government Finances
United States Yes the U.S. charges income tax The government makes their money by taxing our source of income. The U.S spends about $711 billion on the military, $809.6 billion on education, and spends about 8,000 per person on health care.

13 Taxes and Government Finances
Italy Yes they charge an income tax. The government makes their money by taxing goods and other items. They spend about 1.8% on their military, 4.7% on education and 10% on healthcare

14 Law The U.S crime rate has increased since WW2, but has declined since Italy is considered the safest country with only 1 murder per 100,000 people.

15 Current Relations with the United States
The United States and Italy have a warm and friendly relationship. Italy is a strong and active transatlantic partner. The two countries have sought to foster democratic ideals and international cooperation.

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