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Geography Looking at Geography and The Five Themes

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Looking at Geography and The Five Themes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Looking at Geography and The Five Themes

2 What is Geography??? Geography is the study of the world, its people and the landscapes they create.

3 Think of geography and all that is involved
Think of geography and all that is involved. A good way to break all this information down is to put it into categories and then sub-categories. MR. LIP

4 MR. LIP M R L I P Movement Region Location Interaction Place

5 - People - Goods - Ideas Movement

6 People People interact with each other through movement.
We interact with each other through travel, trade, information flows ( ) and political events.

7 Goods The movement of import and export goods and mass communication have played major roles in shaping our world.  They travel from place to place and they communicate and trade goods.  How do we move from place to place? How do we actually get goods we want?

8 Ideas Not only do humans move but also ideas move; fashions move; fads move.  What is an example of an idea that moves? Fashion? Fad? How do we depend on people in other places?   How would our lives change if our movement options changed? 

9 Region Formal – defined lines and borders
Functional – has a function, particular area/region for a paper route. Vernacular (perceptual) – people’s perception Region

10 What is a region? the basic unit of study in geography that shows a connection in terms of human or physical features.

11 Formal Regions Defined by boundaries
Example: United States, Kentwood, Great Britain. These regional boundaries are not open to dispute, therefore physical regions fall under this category Example: The Rockies, the Great Lakes States.

12 Functional Regions Defined by a function
Example: United Airlines Service area or a newspaper service area. If the function ceases to exists, the region no longer exists.

13 Vernacular Regions Loosely defined by people's perception
Example: The South, The Middle East.

14 What are characteristics of the Kentwood Community?  
What region do you define as the South?  The North?  What characteristics and perceptions go along with these regions?

15 Location Relative Location – about/in comparison to…
Absolute Location – using longitude and latitude

16 Absolute Location latitude and longitude (a global location) or a street address (local location).   Paris, France is 48.51' North latitude and 2.20' East longitude  

17 Relative Locations Landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another and may associate a particular place with another.

18 Human-Environmental Interaction
Humans adapt to the environment Example: clothing Humans modify the environment Example: build houses, cut down trees, etc. Humans depend on the environment Example: natural resources, food, climate, etc.

19 Adapt People adapt to the environment by wearing clothing that is suitable for summer and winter; rain and shine.

20 Modify People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort or dig tunnels for railroads.

21 Depend People depend on the Great Lakes for our water and transportation. 

22 Given the choice, where would you live?  Why? 
What is the environment?  How do people interact with the environment?  How do the physical features affect us?

23 How have we adapted to or changed our landscape?
Example: in the Sudan even though everything is seemingly barren, the land still supports farmers and nomadic herders.  People and animals have adapted to a hot, dry climate.

24 Place Physical Characteristics – natural landforms, bodies of water, etc. Human Characteristics – man made

25 Physical Characteristics
Mountains, rivers, soil, beaches, wildlife, etc.  

26 Human Characteristics
Buildings, roads, clothing, and food habits.

27 How is Kentwood connected to other places?
What are the human and physical characteristics of Kentwood? How do these shape our lives?

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