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Chapter 7 The Judicial Branch

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1 Chapter 7 The Judicial Branch
American Civics 5/12/2019 Chapter 7 The Judicial Branch Section 1: Equal Justice Under the Law Section 2: The Federal Court System Section 3: The Supreme Court Chapter 7

2 Section 2: The Federal Court System
The Main Idea The federal court system consists of the three levels of courts, each of which has specific duties. Reading Focus What is the purpose of the U.S. district courts? How are the U.S. courts of appeals different from the district courts? What is the role of the Supreme Court?

3 U.S. District Courts Section 2: The Federal Court System
Three Levels of Federal Courts Each level is given jurisdiction in several different kinds of cases Jurisdiction: the authority to interpret and administer the law; also the range of that authority

4 U.S. District Courts Section 2: The Federal Court System
U.S. Federal Districts Lowest level of federal courts District courts: lower federal courts that have original jurisdiction in most cases involving federal laws Original Jurisdiction: the authority of a court to be the first court to hold trials in certain kinds of cases

5 U.S. District Courts Section 2: The Federal Court System
U.S. Federal Districts Only federal court in which jury trials are held Cannot hear appeals Often called “Local” courts 94 federal district courts in the United States

6 U.S. District Judges Section 2: The Federal Court System
Federal district judges are trial judges Civil and Criminal Trials If there is not jury, the judge decides which side wins and sets the remedy for the winner In criminal cases, the judge also decides the punishment

7 U.S. District Judges Section 2: The Federal Court System
All federal judges, except those in U.S. territories, are appointed for life and must be approved by the Senate Can be removed from office only by impeachment by Congress Salary is fixed during their time in office These guarantees were written into the Constitution to ensure that judges are not punished for their decisions in cases

8 Think about it… Section 2: The Federal Court System
Why are federal judges appointed for life at a fixed salary?

9 U.S. Courts of Appeals Section 2: The Federal Court System
The next level of courts in the federal court system consists of Courts of Appeals Courts of appeals: Federal courts that review decisions appealed from district courts Appellate Jurisdiction: the authority of some courts to review decisions made by lower courts. 12 courts of appeal cover circuits; panels of judges make the decisions Only decided whether the original trial was fair and if the law was interpreted correctly

10 Think about it… Section 2: The Federal Court System
Why are cases sent to the court of appeals, and what are the possible results?

11 Organization of Federal Courts
Section 2: The Federal Court System Organization of Federal Courts Ninety-four district courts—at base of system; jury trials held here Courts of Appeal—review district court cases; 12 courts of appeal cover circuits; panels of judges make the decisions U.S. Supreme Court—highest court in the land; an appeals court; decisions are final

12 Role of the Supreme Court
Section 2: The Federal Court System Role of the Supreme Court Consist of Nine Justices: Judges of the Supreme Court Reviews cases from lower federal courts and state courts Constitutional (original) jurisdiction over: cases involving diplomatic representatives from other countries disputes between states disputes between states and federal government

13 Thin about it… Section 2: The Federal Court System
Why might the Supreme Court have been given original jurisdiction in the three areas mentioned above?

14 Question: Which cases are tried in federal courts?
SECTION 2 Question: Which cases are tried in federal courts? Federal Court Cases 1. constitutional violations 2. U.S. treaty violations 3. congressional law violations 4. cases between a foreign government and a U.S. citizen or the government 5. crimes committed on U.S. ships at sea 6. cases involving U.S. ambassadors and consuls who broke laws in their stationed countries 7. crimes committed on certain types of federal property 8. disagreements between states or citizens of different states

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