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Q2: Draw a circle concept map and put the word “astronomy” in the center. Complete the map by adding as many concepts that you can think of that deal.

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Presentation on theme: "Q2: Draw a circle concept map and put the word “astronomy” in the center. Complete the map by adding as many concepts that you can think of that deal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Q2: Draw a circle concept map and put the word “astronomy” in the center. Complete the map by adding as many concepts that you can think of that deal with the word astronomy. Astronomy

2 Today’s Objective: I understand the components of the Big Bang Theory.

3 What Is Astronomy? The study of the universe, the stars, planets, & everything in it.

4 Great…. But what is the universe?

5 all matter and energy in space
The universe is: all matter and energy in space

6 How can they see all that?

7 Light Year: * Unit of distance (not time) * Distance light travels in 1 year * 299, 792, 458 m / s 186,000 mi/s or 6.71 x 108 m/hr

8 Groups of stars, dust and gases held together by gravity
Galaxy Groups of stars, dust and gases held together by gravity

9 We live in the Milky Way Galaxy

10 Elliptical Galaxy Makes no sense without caption in book

11 Irregular Galaxy Makes no sense without caption in book

12 Galaxy Cluster Makes no sense without caption in book

13 The Universe is constantly expanding. Hubble’s Law

14 Raisin Bread Dough Analogy
Hubble’s Law: Universe is constantly expanding. Makes no sense without caption in book

15 Change in color showing how the universe is moving
Doppler Shift: Change in color showing how the universe is moving

16 Amazing!

17 The Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago Explosion Expanding universe
Makes no sense without caption in book

18 A group of planets, comets, and other bodies orbiting a star
Solar System A group of planets, comets, and other bodies orbiting a star

19 Our solar system: 8 planets, asteroids, moons, comets, & dust

20 Satellite body that revolves around a planet

21 Axis: Imaginary line through the center of Earth
23.5 degrees

22 Rotation: turning of earth counter-clockwise on its axis

23 Earth revolves around the sun
Revolution: Traveling around a center point Earth revolves around the sun Moon revolves around the earth

24 1600 kilometers per hour Creates time zones A day is the length of time it takes for 1 rotation 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds

25 Orbit: The path an object takes around another one
Elliptical = oval

26 How long is a year? 365 Days 6 hours 9 minutes days

27 Leap Year: Adds an extra day every 4 years to make up for the extra time.

28 problem of the Week


30 Meral made a big discovery about the distance that the star Reese was from the planet earth. What field of science does she study? Astronomy

31 Doppler Shift Shony analyzed the electromagnetic spectrum and noticed changes in the color of the spectrum. This change is called the _____.

32 Big Bang Theory Rebecca wondered where the first atom came from. She is not alone with this question. Scientists have tried to explain it using this theory.

33 Galaxies Cristian discovered these come in many different shapes like spiral, elliptical, and irregular.

34 Always Expanding Because of the shift in visible light from blue to red, Drake concluded that the universe is always doing this.

35 Solar system A star named Logan has 6 planets orbiting about her. This is an example of a ___.

36 Exit ticket Describe how scientists discover information about the universe and its history.

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