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Presentation on theme: "CAPITAL BUDGETING."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is capital budget Investments in property , plant and equipment
Any asset which gives economic benefit in future Asset which generates benefit in future is not treated as current expenditure unless it is of very small value

3 Capital Budget(contd.)
Capital budget may be for the entire asset, for a group of assets comprising a project or for components

4 Capital budgeting methods
Know economic benefits and economic cost in terms of cash flow Non discounted cash flow - It evaluates a capital budget in absolute cash flow terms Discounted cash flow method - It evaluates a capital budget in terms of present value cash flow

5 Pay back period What time is required to get back the initial cash outflow?

6 Discounted pay back period
Recognize time value of money as cash flow is generated over the years Discount factor may be the weighted average cost capital or marginal cost of capital

7 Net present value Sum of Net Cash flow multiplied by discount factor
In other words, the difference of discounted cash outflow and discounted cash inflow = NPV

8 NPV Accept Reject Criteria
Accept :NPV equal to or greater than zero This means projects returns equal to or more than cost of capital Reject : if the NPV is negative What is accept reject criteria

9 Profitability Index It is ratio of PV of Cash Inflow to PV of Cash outflow Thus Profitability Index = PV of cash inflows/ PV of cash outflows Generally when the PI is less than 1, the project be rejected

10 Internal Rate of return
At what rate of interest PV of cash outflow should be equal to PV of cash inflow?

11 Significance of IRR Compare with cost of capital
If IRR >= Cost of capital , accept the project If IRR < cost of capital , reject it What was the decision as per NPV ? Same For evaluating a single project, NPV and IRR give same result

12 PV profile Calculate NPV at different discount rate and draw a line

13 Comparison between NPV and IRR
Single project : We get same result Mutually exclusive projects : May or may not get the same result. They will not give the same result for projects with intersecting PV Profiles

14 Cross over discount rate
It is a rate which equates NPV of the competing projects If WACC is greater than the cross over rate, there is no decision making anomaly under IRR and NPV methods Contradiction arises at the crossover rate and to the left of it

15 Cross over rate It is IRR of the differential cash flow

16 Reinvestment rate NPV assumes cost of capital as reinvestment rate
IRR assumes IRR as the re-invetsment rate

17 Projects with unequal lives
NPV approach will not work if the competing projects are having unequal lives Because there will arise new problems of timing difference

18 Capital budgeting under risk
Correlated cash flow Unrelated cash flow Hertz model Decision tree Simulated cash flow


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