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International Tender 13 Feb 19

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1 International Tender 13 Feb 19

2 Agenda Changes/Updates for 2019 Rate Cycle International Tender (IT)
International Tables

3 2019 IT Changes/Updates *Reformatted, consolidated like items, improved readability, standardized language with the 400NG OCONUS Rates: Updated all OCONUS rates using Worldwide inflation data applied across multiple years where no increases were provided Florida Keys/Monroe County, FL: Added new U.S. Rate Area for Monroe County, FL (US ) Increased service charge for Florida Keys from $5.58 cwt to $10.00 cwt Pass Through Charges: Added Pass Through requirements for crating, shuttle service, additional labor, and Florida Keys service charge

4 2019 IT Changes/Updates Cont.
Shuttles: Added language for documentation requested to support payment of a Shuttle (GSA post payment audit) Crates: GPA increase applied to rates Added/updated guidance on the approval of crating IAW AFI Special Solicitation (Saudi Arabia): Reinstatement of the USMTM contract (previously removed in 2017) TSPs filing COS 8 rates from Saudi Arabia will not include origin agent service charges in their SFR TSPs filing COS 8 rates to Saudi Arabia will not include destination agent service charges in their SFR

5 2019 International Tender Located on the USTRANSCOM DP3 Website at:

6 2019 International Tender

7 Pass Through Requirements
In circumstances where a TSP elects to subcontract for any portion of HHGs, the TSP shall be required to pass through any charges paid by the Government for charges associated with crating, shuttle service, additional labor, Florida Keys service charge, and fuel surcharge for the portion of these services actually performed by the subcontractor TSP agrees that any of the above amounts owed to subcontractor shall be paid immediately upon TSP’s receipt of payment from the DoD

8 Shuttle Services (Item 501)
All shuttles require pre-approval from the Government Shuttles are TRUCK-TO-TRUCK transfers only 2019 changes/updates: TSP must submit a DD Form 619/619-1 signed by the customer to validate that shuttle services were performed The following additional documentation may be requested (by GSA) to support payment: Signed dispatch logs Paid equipment rental receipts Copy of vehicle registration

9 Crates/Special Containers (Item 508)
All crates must be pre-approved by the PPSO Rounding of cubic dimensions is not authorized (e.g., cu. ft. will be invoiced as 6.80 cu. ft.) Crating/uncrating will be done at the residence unless authorized by the customer or servicing PPSO to perform crating/uncrating at the warehouse 2019 changes/updates: GPA increase applied to rates New material must be used when crating is approved Marble tabletops and pool table slates may be too heavy/large for available cartons and are eligible for crating

10 Special Solicitation 8 Special Solicitation (SS) Groups:
CONUS to/from Singapore (COS 4 & 8) CONUS to/from South America (COS 4, T, and 8) CONUS to/from Kuwait (COS 8) CONUS to/from Saudi Arabia (COS 8) CONUS to/from Qatar (COS 8) 2019 changes/updates (COS 8 Saudi Arabia): Shipments assigned to U.S. Military Training Mission (USMTM) controlled AOR within Saudi Arabia will be serviced by HQ USMTM, PPSO, Riyadh. Due to the reinstatement of the USMTM contract, TSPs will not include origin and destination service charges in their SFR

11 Special Solicitation Recap
Each SS grouping is a “winner-takes-all” based on the TSP with the highest overall BVS for all channels that comprise the special solicitation TSPs may not blackout or refuse shipments on any channels that comprise the SS Group once selected as the primary (winner) If the primary TSP is suspended or placed in non-use, the corresponding sequential TSP (i.e., #2) will become the primary TSP until suspended or non-use TSP is reinstated or the rate cycle ends

12 International Tables

13 Item 500 State GBLOC Table Rates aligned with associated GBLOCs and will apply for services performed in any of the counties named for that DoD installation

14 Item 520A SIT Pickup/Delivery Schedules
Rates apply to drayage of shipments stored at Commercial or Government facilities Schedules A-Q: CONUS Schedules R,S: Canada Schedule T: Hawaii Schedule V: Alaska Schedule W: Puerto Rico Schedule X: Guam

15 Item 530 Linehaul Schedules

16 Item 530 Linehaul Schedules
Linehaul Schedules are used for delivery in/out of SIT, diversions, terminations, alternate ports, etc. Schedule A: HHG (CONUS, Hawaii, and Alaska) Schedules B1-B6: HHG (Overseas) Schedule C: UB (CONUS & Hawaii) Schedule D: UB (Germany) Schedule E: UB (except Germany, Hawaii, and Alaska) Schedule F: UB (Alaska) 2019 changes/updates: Inflation adjustments made to the OCONUS LH Schedules Applied adjustments across multiple years where no increases were previously made

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