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Culturally Responsive and Relational Leadership

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1 Culturally Responsive and Relational Leadership
TE PUNA A KEMURETI CAMBRIDGE KĀHUI AKO Culturally Responsive and Relational Leadership

2 Unuhia te pō, te pō whiri mārama, Tomokia te ao, te ao whatu tāngata, Tātai ki runga, tātai ki raro, tātai aho rau, Haumi e, hui e, taiki e! From the confusion comes understanding, from the understanding comes unity, we are interwoven, we are interconnected, together we learn.

3 INTENDED OUTCOMES Understand key features of effective culturally responsive and relational leadership Key educational drivers – what do they mean for us? Theory into practice – how can our leadership bring to life the theory?

4 GALLERY WALK – Effective Leadership
In pairs, think of a time when someone was an effective leader for you. Discuss with your partner ways that leader enacted the different headings around the room. What did they say? What did they do? Discuss and record your thinking on the big sheets around the room. Karen

5 THE HOW? Culturally Responsive & Relational Leadership
Relationships of care and connectedness are fundamental (whanaungatanga) Power is shared and learners have the right to equity and self determination (mahi tahi, kotahitanga) Culture counts, learners’ understandings form the basis of their identity and learning (whakapapa) Sense-making is dialogic, interactive and ongoing (ako) Decision-making and practice is responsive to relevant evidence (wānanga) Our common vision and interdependent roles and responsibilities focus on the potential of learners – Māori students achieving and enjoying educational success as Māori – (kaupapa) hannah

6 ACTIVITY – Culturally Responsive and Relational Leadership
Go back to the big sheets around the room in pairs. What else might a Culturally Responsive and Relational Leader do or say to enact each principle? Add your ideas in a different colour. hannah

7 Important Educational Drivers 2018
Education Council The Code of Professional Responsibility and Standards for the Teaching Profession Education Review Office School Evaluation Indicators Ka Hikitia Realising Māori potential Sustained system-wide change. Innovative community, iwi and Māori-led models of education provision. Māori students achieving at least on a par with the total population. hannah

8 Unpacking our Educational Drivers
through a Culturally Responsive & Relational Lens In groups of five, choose one of the drivers. Read the information and discuss the following: What are the key messages you are taking from it? What links are you are making to Culturally Responsive & Relational leadership? hannah

9 COHERENCY Each person share the key messages from their information.
In new groups of 3 – one person from each driver: Each person share the key messages from their information. As a group, discuss the connections/links between the three, as well as the links to Culturally Responsive and Relational Leadership Come up with at least FIVE critical questions that we need to be asking ourselves, as leaders, in order to inquire into our own THEORY and PRACTICE. hannah

10 “SO WHAT? NOW WHAT?” Reflect individually on the following:
What will you do when you return to you school to grow your own culturally responsive and relational leadership? What support will you need? How will you know its been effective? hannah

11 Unuhia te pō, te pō whiri mārama, Tomokia te ao, te ao whatu tāngata, Tātai ki runga, tātai ki raro, tātai aho rau, Haumi e, hui e, taiki e! From the confusion comes understanding, from the understanding comes unity, we are interwoven, we are interconnected, together we learn.

12 NGĀ MIHI Please feel free to leave any feedback on a post-it.

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