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Chapter 10 Byzantine and Muslim culture

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1 Chapter 10 Byzantine and Muslim culture
Section 1 The Byzantine Empire

2 Constantinople Renamed for Emperor Constantine in 330 AD Located in eastern part of Roman Empire 3 Major crossroads of Trade routes a. Goods came in from Russia, China, and Egypt b. Taxes were charged on goods that came into city 4. Area had a strong army 5. After western Roman empire fell in 476, the east survived

3 B. Justinian Began ruling in 527 AD. (single ruler, all power)
From a poor family-listened to all (poor and rich) *Reformed the Roman legal system –Justinian’s Code (basis for modern European legal system) Encouraged blending of cultures (Greek, Roman and Christian) Died in 565 AD-empire began to decline


5 Religious and political arguments caused problems within the empire
C. Later years of empire Byzantines fought against the Persians, Turks, Arabs and German people for land-caused the empire to shrink in size and power Religious and political arguments caused problems within the empire

6 D. Religious Dispute 1. Most Byzantines were Christians-But, they worshipped differently than they did in the west a. In the west, they followed the Pope, spoke Latin in services, decorated churches inside and out, used icons in worship b. In the east, they followed the Patriarch, spoke Greek in services, churches were plain on the outside and amazing on the inside, used icons in worship ’s Byzantine leaders outlawed icons(idols). Pope disagreed with the decision and excommunicated the Patriarch for the decision

7 Icons were made to make you feel like the holy person was present

8 Excommunication-to take away salvation-no going to heaven-no going to church 3 Patriarch excommunicated the Pope 4. Neither leader felt the other had the authority to take such action-This led to the first schism/split in the church 5*By 1054 AD , there were two distinct forms of Christianity-Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox

9 E. Basil II Ruled during the final great period of Byzantine Empire
Trade increased and population grew Regained land lost during previous wars Increase in creativity of the arts Ruled from 976 AD to 1025 AD

10 F. Fall of the Byzantine Empire
Late 1100’s Ad-Muslim Turks began taking land from a weakening Byzantine Empire 1171 AD and In 1200, they were attacked by European Christians during Crusades 1261 AD-Byzantines were able to regain their capital but little was left of empire May 29 ,1453 AD-Turks attacked Constantinople and took control of the city before morning was over Byzantine Empire was now in the hands of the Turks. Constantinople would be rebuilt and renamed Istanbul and it would be the capital of the Ottoman Empire ( Muslim territory)

11 The Byzantine empire had its influence in the development of history
The Byzantine empire had its influence in the development of history. Emerging out of the once strong Roman empire, the Byzantines develop a written set of law and strongly influence art and architecture of the time. The Byzantine empire preserved the Greek, Roman and Persian achievements as well as influencing the development of Russia and Eastern Europe.

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