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Presentation on theme: "CLASSIFICATION BINGO."— Presentation transcript:


2 This cell is characterized by having a cell wall, chloroplast, and vacuole.

3 These are the 3 main groups in the taxonomy hierarchy.

4 An example of this would be the body maintaining a temperature of 98
An example of this would be the body maintaining a temperature of 98.6, or maintaining a stable blood glucose level.

5 This kingdom contains the “extreme” bacteria
This kingdom contains the “extreme” bacteria. These bacteria can live in very hot, very acidic, very salty places, that other bacteria would not be able to.

6 This kingdom contains many different types of animals including worms, sharks, snails, spiders and humans.

7 This phylum includes evergreen trees or pine trees
This phylum includes evergreen trees or pine trees. Those trees that stay green year around.

8 Amebas and algae are part of this kingdom.

9 Mushrooms are in this kingdom.

10 All of the classes of organisms together would make up this taxonomic group.

11 This type of cell includes cell membrane, nucleus, mitochondria and are found in mammals, fish, birds, reptiles, and amphibians.

12 Homo Sapiens is the scientific name for humans
Homo Sapiens is the scientific name for humans. What else do we call this 2 word name for people?

13 These types of cell lack a nucleus and an example would be bacteria.

14 Pulling your hand back after touching something hot, shivering to warm your body up, and plants growing towards the sun are all examples of this.

15 All of the groups of species would make up this taxonomic group.

16 These are not considered to be living because they do not reproduce on their own, are not made of cells and do not react to a stimulus.

17 Flatworms and tapeworms are in the group and many times considered to be parasites.

18 This group includes, roses, hydrangeas, sunflowers, peonies, lilies and carnations.

19 Sea stars, starfish and other mineral based skeleton creatures are part of this phylum.

20 These include organsims that are segmented, have a mouth and anus and bilateral symmetry. An example would be earthworms.

21 This kingdom contains prokaryotic cells such as e
This kingdom contains prokaryotic cells such as e.coli, tetanus, salmonella.

22 Protista, Fungi, Animalia, and Plantae are all kindgoms of this domain.

23 All the groups of phyla make up this taxonomic group.

24 Animals in this phyla have a backbone and spinal cord.

25 There are two main types of cells
There are two main types of cells. One is prokaryotic and the other is __________?


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