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The reproductive system

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1 The reproductive system
Human Biology Unit 2 The reproductive system

2 The male reproductive system
External structures (the genitalia) penis scrotum testes epididymis Internal structures sperm duct (vas deferens) prostate gland Cowper’s gland seminal vesicle urethra ATAR & general

3 Functions of male reproductive organs
Testes produce sperm and manufacture the male sex hormone, testosterone. Epididymis Sperm storage and maturation Vas deferens transports sperm from the epididymis to the seminal vesicles. ATAR & general

4 Functions of male reproductive organs
Seminal vesicle, prostate gland & Cowper’s gland secrete fluids that form part of the semen. Urethra carries semen and urine through the penis to the outside. Penis the external male organ which introduces semen into the female vagina and through which urine passes during urination. ATAR & general

5 Male reproductive system
Bladder Seminal vesicle Vas deferens Prostate gland Urethra Cowper’s gland ATAR & general Penis Epididymis Testis Glans of penis Scrotum

6 External male genitalia
Vas deferens Epididymis ATAR & general Testis Scrotum Wellcome Photo Library, Wellcome Images

7 Cut-away section of a testis
Seminiferous tubule Epididymis Vas deferens ATAR & general

8 Cross section of a seminiferous tubule
Immature spermatids Germ cells undergoing meiosis ATAR & general Interstitial cells secrete testosterone

9 The female reproductive system
External structures (the genitalia) labia clitoris Internal structures vagina cervix uterus fallopian tubes ovaries ATAR & general

10 Functions of female reproductive organs
Ovaries produce ova (eggs) and manufacture the female sex hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Fallopian tube transports ova to the uterus. Generally the site of fertilisation. Uterus houses and nourishes the fetus during pregnancy. Vagina the female organ of sexual intercourse, where the sperm are deposited. It also serves as the birth canal. ATAR & general

11 female reproductive system
Ovary Fallopian tube Uterus Cervix Bladder ATAR & general Vagina Clitoris Labia

12 Internal female reproductive organs anterior view
Fallopian tube Fimbriae Ovary Uterus Cervix ATAR & general Vagina

13 Section through an ovary
Mature follicle Medulla ATAR & general Immature follicles Lutz Slomianka, ANHB-UWA

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