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This is your moment!!! Class Exercise 2/11/19

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1 This is your moment!!! Class Exercise 2/11/19

2 Title: Chinese Inventions III
The Setting: Imagine it is the year You have spent the last 17 years traveling around the most advanced country in the world – CHINA! The civilization you come from is on the other side of the world (Western Europe). It too is very sophisticated, but it lacks many of the innovations you have seen on your travels. During your stay in China, you were of great assistance to the emperor. As a going-away present, he wants you to choose one of the inventions shown on the following slide to take back to your own society. After choosing one you will receive the knowledge of how to create it.

3 Which one would you choose?
Paper: a cheap and easy to make Gunpowder: used for fireworks or surface for writing explosive weapons. Silk: luxurious cloth – soft but Magnetic Compass: a navigation amazingly strong and warm. tool for travelers on sea or on land. Which one would you choose?

4 Before you decide you must examine the following issues with a partner.
Answer the following questions in your notebook: Of the 4 inventions (Paper, Silk, gunpowder, or the Compass), which would prove most useful to a society that has none of the items? WHY? Provide an example. Which one would most improve the quality of life? Why Which might be most profitable? Why? Now that you have examined the issues, which item/ invention will you take back with you? Think about and create a chart of benefits (+’s) and drawbacks (-’s) that there might be to introducing the item to your society.

5 2/11 Class notes: Effects of Chinese Inventions.
The Magnetic Compass: Accelerated the exploration of the globe, there was a huge push for finding out the unknown which also caused rapid advances in ship technology. Increased trade and cultural diffusion (& spread disease). Gunpowder: Rapid technological development of weapons of mass destruction / weapons that can cause mass casualties. Also caused huge advances in mining and land manipulation (reshaping). Silk: luxurious cloth made life more enjoyable for those who could afford it. It also encouraged merchants to risk long dangerous journeys that greatly increased cultural diffusion that would not have happened otherwise. Imp b/c people need incentive to brave danger! Paper: The first cheap/inexpensive way to preserve data – greatly increased the ability to pass on ideas and technology – preserved where we’ve been so we can go further with each new generation!

6 You have been given an opportunity to make a real difference!
What will your decision be? As the music video plays, think about its message…

7 Why it matters NOW! Taking back a Chinese invention teaches us about our history and makes us think beyond the moment and into the future. It teachers us how our decisions today, in the moment, can impact our future down the road… The Big Q: this is YOUR MOMENT …plan for the future…what will your decision be? You have TIME … 3 ½ more YEARS – but not forever to decide...

8 YOU… Live in the United States of AMERICA
YOU have won life’s lottery – you have FREEDOM, CIVIL RIGHTS, EQUAL Opportunity, but also RESPONSIBILITY! WHAT will you YOU do with it? Remember – TODAY we are in a GOLDEN AGE of Invention, prosperity, & relative peace. It is your RESPONSIBILITY to make sure the next generation has the same chance as you do – don’t waste it – THIS IS your MOMENT! YOUR TIME TO SHINE!

9 This is your moment: youtube

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