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Introducción- Las normas de apoderamiento para Español 1

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1 Introducción- Las normas de apoderamiento para Español 1
¡Vamos muchachos!

2 What are we doing in this class?
“You live a new life for every new language you speak. If you know only one language, you live only once.” -Czech proverb

3 ¡Sí se puede! / Yes we can! Content: Vocabulary, Grammar, Culture
Language Skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading, Writing in Spanish Cultural Skills: Be able to understand and communicate with people of diverse cultural backgrounds Life Skills: Learn responsibility, work ethic, being on time for class and deadlines; ask questions, problem-solve, work in groups/teams; be career-ready and independent.

4 Who are we becoming? “If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.” -Nelson Mandela

5 Todos ustedes son… / All of you are…
Students of the Spanish-speaking world (…Studs…) Language-learners (both Spanish and English) Cultural explorers of diversity Risk-takers Protectors and promoters of tolerance Models of understanding and respect between people

6 How are we going to do it? “If you’re not failing every now and again, it’s a sign that you’re not doing anything very innovative.” -Woody Allen “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” -Michael Jordan ““I haven’t failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” -Thomas Edison

7 ¡Dale, dale, dale! / Get after it!
Bring notebook, book, calendar, flashcards, charts daily Speak Spanish as much as you can every day! Participate in and outside class: give examples, ask questions, read instructions, study notes and flashcards, use my website as a resource, come to tutoring. Challenge yourself to grow by taking risks, try new things out, use trial and error, and learn from mistakes. Have fun learning a new language, celebrate your successes and your classmates, value our differences.

8 Pasión y mis experiencias…
Work hard every moment—focus on the present and what you can control. Be a creative, analytical and deep thinker—make connections to our world around us. Believe in education—it’s the vehicle for accomplishing your future goals. Enjoy the process—life moves fast, try to make every aspect of it fun and important.

9 Mis valores personales / Core Values
Health -La salud- “Be good to yourself.” Family -La familia- “Be good to your loved ones.” Passion -La pasión- “Be good to everyone and love every detail of life.” Strength -La fuerza- “Be courageous.” Hope -La fe- “Be positive, BELIEVE… and good things will happen.”

10 What are your core values?
Write five in English and Spanish. Write a paragraph (four sentences) in English about how this class will help you to develop these values further?

11 Why learn Spanish? Write five reasons why it is beneficial to learn both the Spanish language and cultural knowledge/skills.

12 Fiesta… Pachanga… Rumba… Éxito

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