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Supportive Supervision

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1 Supportive Supervision
By 1. Dr.kazi mumtaz huda 2. Dr. Mahmuda 3. Dr. Farah 4. Dr. Ashique 5. Dr. Abul Bashar

2 Supportive Supervision
A continuous process looking into whether the quality and quantity of an activity is maintained at the expected standard/set standard. The supervisor provides feedback, hands-on-skills and helps to develop positive attitude to a service provider.

3 Supportive Supervision
It is the psychological and interpersonal "supplies" that strengthen capacity of worker to deal with job demands, job stresses and workplace tensions.

4 Concepts Work Supportive Supervision

5 Supportive Supervision process
Inform the worker about the expected standard Motivate worker & Create Interest in work Provide feed back on quality of performance Improve Work Condition & Material supply Improve Required knowledge and skills

6 Supportive Supervision
The supervisor helps in developing the congenial atmosphere in the work environment. Therefore, supportive super vision ensures: Task done maintaining accepted standard/ set standard Regular and close observation and support to service providers in the field. Feedback to service providers to ensure the quality of the task, if needed Provide hands-on skill to service providers Help service providers in improving work environment including material development and Help motivate service providers and grow task interest among them

7 Traditional supervision
Supportive supervision Administrative related. Provider’s skill related Usually no checklist in used. Checklist is a must and used Problems identified, but no plan for immediate solution. Problems identified and planned for solution. * No planned follow up visit to resolve problems identified earlier Planned follow up visit to resolve problems detected earlier

8 Traditional supervision
Supportive supervision Usually service providers are informed Of expected task standard. Service providers are regularly informed of task Standard. Little/no emphasis on service provider’s Motivation. Strong emphasis on service providers motivation. *No/little emphasis on improvement of work environment Strong emphasis on improvement of work environment

9 Importance of supervision
Qualitative improvement of service provider’s performance by: Improving service provider’s knowledge an skill Regular monitoring of the performance of service providers; and Regular support to service providers by supervisors.

10 Importance of supervision
Service provider’s work environment will be improved: Ensuring required register, forms, supplies and medicines; Increasing regular communication and coordination between service providers and supervisors; and Accelerating community participation and Cooperation.

11 Importance of supervision
Clients will get quality services by: Standard service facilities; Standard health care and Poor woman and children will have access to health care facilities.

12 Responsibilities of supervision
Inform worker clearly what supervisor expects from him. To decide the target/ goal of work discussing personally or collaborately with the worker. To certain that the responsibilities, guidelines, standard or policy is within their knowledge.

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