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33.3: Threats to World Security

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1 33.3: Threats to World Security

2 Social Challenges 1948 UN Declaration of Human Rights
Question: Could genocide happen again? Rwanda-Tutsi and Hutu ethnic groups close to 1 million killed, 2 million refugees, 1994 Darfur region of Sudan 2006, rebel forces and government supported Janjaweed fighters NGO- Non Governmental Organizations work to provide services or to promote certain public policies…International Red Cross

3 Social Challenges Poverty-more than 1, 000, 000, 000 (billions!) of the world’s population live on less than $1 a day, no access to health care or education Famine, war, disease- global challenges SARS, AIDS epidemics of diseases that now spread world wide almost immediately Natural disasters …environmental refugees Migration and push/pull factors- push to leave your homeland and pull people to a new place Urbanization and blight

4 Terrorism The use or threat of violence to achieve political goals and spread fear A major threat to world security i.e. 9/11; ISIS

5 Weapons of Mass Destruction
3 types: Biological weapons (diseases like anthrax) Chemical weapons (i.e. gas) Nuclear weapons

6 Sanctions: Economic and political penalties put on one country by another to try to force them to change their policies Examples in the world today: US and others have placed sanctions on Iran (nuclear weapons development) US and others have placed sanctions on Russia (for possibly invading the Ukraine)

7 Religious and Ethnic Violence
This is violence between people due to their religious beliefs or their ethnicity Rwanda in 1994 (Tutsi and Hutu were different ethnic groups) ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria) is a Sunni terrorist organization and they have attacked Shia Muslims, Christians, and Yazidis (a religious group in Iraq)

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