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Reflection & Refraction

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1 Reflection & Refraction
Chapter 29

2 Reflection When a wave reaches a boundary between two media and waves bounce back into the first medium Examples: Mirrors, shiny metal

3 Law of Reflection Angle of incidence for a wave that strikes a surface is equal to the angle of reflection True for all waves (sound=echo, light, etc.) Normal

4 Opaque Transparent Translucent
Materials that absorb light without reemission and do not allow light to pass through Transparent Materials that allow light to pass through them in straight lines Translucent Material that allows light to pass through but not detailed images (semitransparent)

5 Refraction Change in direction of a wave as it crosses the boundary between two media in which the wave travels at different speeds Example: light traveling through air then water

6 Snell’s Law The relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction and the indices of refraction of the two media

7 If light enters a medium in which the speed decreases, (air to water), the rays bend toward the normal If light enters a medium in which the speed increases, the rays bend away from the normal

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