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“5 Years, Places”: The American Civil War,

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Presentation on theme: "“5 Years, Places”: The American Civil War,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “5 Years, 10 000 Places”: The American Civil War, 1861-1865


3 North and South: Different Cultures, Same Country




7 The “Anaconda Plan”

8 “Scoring the War”: A Survey of the Civil War’s Battles
Group: 1 year of war Use website timeline to complete list of battles/ victories/ losses of that year Complete scorecard for your year: - victories get 2 points; major victories get 3 pts - losses get no points; major losses get -1 points - inconclusive results get 1 point for both sides - total up points for the year – who’s “winning”?

9 Construct a written description of the overall course of the war, year by year from 1861-1865
Analyze: what were the key turning points?

10 Lincoln’s Generals Winfield Scott Joseph Hooker Irwin McDowell
George McClellan George Meade Ambrose Burnside Ulysses S. Grant

11 The Confederate Generals Nathan Bedford Forrest
“Stonewall” Jackson Nathan Bedford Forrest James Longstreet Jeb Stuart George Pickett Robert E. Lee

12 Battle of Bull Run (1st Manassas) July, 1861

13 War in the East: 1861-1862: 1st Bull Run, The Seven Days,
2nd Bull Run, Antietam, Fredericksburg

14 The War in the West, 1862: Ft. Henry & Ft. Donelson, Shiloh

15 War in the East, 1863: Chancellorsville & Gettysburg: 1863

16 NYC Draft Riots, (July 13-16, 1863)

17 Vicksburg & Chickamauga
The War in the West, 1863: Vicksburg & Chickamauga

18 Sherman’s “March to the Sea”: Georgia, 1864
Gen. William T. Sherman

19 Presidential Election Results: 1864

20 The Final Virginia Campaign: 1864-1865
Wilderness, Spotsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg Siege, Appomattox,

21 Surrender at Appomattox, Apr. 9, 1865

22 Casualties on Both Sides

23 Civil War Casualties in Comparison to Other Wars

24 The War’s Last Casualty:


26 The Assassin John Wilkes Booth

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