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The presentation is made gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia

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1 The presentation is made gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia
Reported Speech Statements Topic “The Ice Age” The presentation is made by teacher Julia Apt, gymnasium 74, St. Petersburg, Russia Юлия Ефимовна Апт, гимназия №74, г. С-Петербург 2014

2 Repeat after the teacher
Learn the rule Repeat after the teacher

3 is was are were Vs / V V2 will + V would + V has + V3 had + V3
Direct Speech Reported Speech is was are were Vs / V V2 will + V would + V has + V3 had + V3

4 Change direct speech into reported speech.

5 Manny the mammoth said, “I’ll tell you a story about my life in America and about my friends.”
Manny the mammoth said that he would tell us a story about his life in America and about his friends. Check next

6 a giant sloth – гигантский ленивец
Mammoth said, “One day I went for a walk and met a giant sloth.” Mammoth said that one day he had gone for a walk and had met a giant sloth. Check a giant sloth – гигантский ленивец An extinct animal which used to live in America (weight – up to 5 tons, length – up to 6 meters). Вымершее животное, жившее в Америке. Весило до нескольких тонн. Некоторые виды достигали в высоту до 6 м. next

7 Mammoth told the sloth “I don’t want you to eat my tree.”
Mammoth told the sloth that he didn’t want him to eat his tree. Check next

8 Sloth said that it was America and all trees there were theirs.
Sloth said, “It’s America and all trees here are ours!” Check next

9 Mammoth said: “We’ve come here! We’ll eat all the trees and grass.”
Mammoth said that they had come there and they would eat all the trees and grass. Mammoth said: “We’ve come here! We’ll eat all the trees and grass.” Check Слова автора отделяются от прямой речи запятой. Если же прямая речь является длинным текстом, то в английском языке после вводных слов, так же как и в русском, ставится двоеточие.  next

10 Sloth said, “It’s the land where we have always lived.”
Sloth said that it was the land where they had always lived. Check next

11 Mammoth said that he saw a sabretooth coming that way.” .
Mammoth said, “I see a sabretooth coming this way.” Check next

12 Sabretooth said, “You, silly guys
Sabretooth said, “You, silly guys!! You don’t know that you are food yourselves.” Sabretooth said that we were silly and we didn’t know that we were food ourselves. Check next

13 Sabretooth said, “You are people’s food.”
Sabretooth said that we were people’s food. Check next

14 Sabretooth said that people would come and eat both of us.
Sabretooth said, “People will come and eat up both of you!” Check next

15 Mammoth answered the sabretooth, “You are talking nonsense.”
Mammoth answered the sabretooth that he was talking nonsense. Check next

16 Mammoth said that people couldn’t kill mammoths, they only found ill animals.
Mammoth said, “People can’t kill mammoths, they only find ill animals.” Check next

17 Mammoth said that people didn’t bother them, they were too small.”
Mammoth said, “People don’t bother us, they are too small.” Check  next

18 Sloth said that he was frightened. Sloth said, “I’m frightened.”
Check next

19 Sloth said that he had seen people’s homes made of mammoth's bones.
Sloth said, “I have seen people’s homes made of mammoth's bones.” Check next

20 Mammoth said, “People just find and use mammoth’s bones because
there is no wood for building in tundra.” Mammoth said that people just found and used mammoth’s bones because there was no wood for building in tundra. Check next

21 Sloth said, “Anyway, I think it will be safer if we travel together.”
Sloth said that he thought it would be safer if they traveled together. Sloth said, “Anyway, I think it will be safer if we travel together.” Check next

22 Mammoth told us that the sloth and he had become really good friends and had lived happily ever after. Mammoth told us, “The sloth and I became really good friends and lived happily ever after.” Check next

23 Resources

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