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Miss Yates’ News: Nov. 26th-30th

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1 Miss Yates’ News: Nov. 26th-30th
When we return, there will be no Mass due to the lights being changed out in the sanctuary. We will be having a Rosary in the School Community Room with our buddies and 2nd grade. Please send in a flower for our Mother Mary for our special display all week. Send to school Monday morning. Thanks! *PAWS Student of the Week-Colin* *NO MASS THIS WEEK* Mn 11/26-Blue Knights 3:15-4:15 pm W 11/28-Awards 2:45 pm Th 10/29-Progress Reports Go Home Family Folder-Hearing Vision Screenings F 11/30-Mystery Snack (ends with –h)-Luke Specials: Monday-P.E., Computers Tuesday-Atrium, Music, Adoration Wednesday-P.E., Computers Thursday-Keyboarding, Music Friday-Library, Fr. John Religion Last Wednesday, I sent a time, talent, and treasure form for your child to bring on Re-commitment Sunday. I encouraged the children to do something with their time and talent to ask for a $1.00 for their treasure. They get to place it in the treasure box at Mass this weekend. Let me know with a note in the folder if they have completed it, and I’ll send home a religious pencil. Thank you! Our school virtues this year are: Docility Gentleness Compassion Forgiveness I have picked four students for a special recognition ceremony on Wednesday, Nov. 28th at 2:45 p.m. I will pick 4 students each semester. Reading-L2 short /i/ sound Phonics-short /i/ D’Nealian Handwriting-lowercase letters Math-Ch. 3-Addition to 20 Religion-Stewardship, Fr. Kapaun Science-Topic B: Identifying Ways to Keep our Bodies Healthy Social Studies-Earth; Veteran’s Day Snack Helper-Ella Q2 Progress Report Testing on Assigned Day Show & Tell-starts with /m/ like mouse Sight Words/Math Facts on Assigned Day Math Fluency-Return practice sheet sent on Friday for EXTRA credit! DIBELS-Packet in Red Folder to be documented weekly for EXTRA credit! Spelling Words: log, top, ox – -- (316)

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