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Composite Benefits Rates

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1 Composite Benefits Rates
Budget and Resource Management 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

2 Summary UCSF will implement Composite Benefits Rates (CBRs) when we implement UCPath, scheduled for September 2019 Implementing CBRs will result in cost shifts across units and funds Cost shifts are due to variation in several areas: Departments will need to examine the impact on their costs, particularly for contracts and grants and recharges The campus needs to develop a plan for addressing cost shifts Salary levels Higher pay typically means a lower benefits rate Funding sources and benefit eligibility for different types of pay Z payments have little or no benefits cost; Y payments are not covered by UCRP Employee benefit selections Some employees have more dependents 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

3 CBRs will be implemented along with the UCSF launch of UC Path
Year Month Activity 2018 September – November BRM updates analysis using data BRM works with Control Points to help prepare departments December In coordination with UCOP, UCSF submits proposal to DHHS 2019 January – May Campus engages in financial planning using proposed model June DHHS approves UCSF proposal (target) July – August Campus reviews budget allocations to mitigate cost shifts September UCSF launches UCPath, implements agree-upon mitigating allocations 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

4 Our goal is to identify a CBR model that best balances several competing principles
Simplicity Models should be easy to understand and implement. Employees should be grouped in a rational, logical, and easily identifiable way. Minimized Impact Cost shifts across funds, control points, and employee types should be minimized. Accurate Accounting Expenditures assigned to specific lines of University business should accurately reflect the true cost of that business line. Consider moving after timeline 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

5 Our CBR model development is based on certain key assumptions and constraints
Most individuals who share a title code will be assigned the same benefits rate Individuals with less than full benefits will be assigned a Partial/Minimum/Students rate (except Post Docs) Some salary components will not be charged benefits in the new model (e.g., Z incentive payments) Salary components for an individual that are charged (e.g., the X and Y components of faculty salaries) will be assigned the same benefits rate CBRs will cover retirement contributions, payroll taxes and assessments, and health and welfare benefits; excluded benefits include GAEL and tuition remission  The vacation leave assessment will be handled separately Based on the UCOP structure, the campus cannot exceed nine categories UCSF Health will charge its own rate; the rate applied to jointly-funded faculty and staff will be based on the business unit making the salary payment rather than the home department of the employee 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

6 A simple single rate model (27
A simple single rate model (27.9%) would result in dramatic cost shifts across funds Sales and Service–Professional funds, including Medical Compensation Plan, would experience a major increase in benefits costs Sales and Service–Other funds, would experience a significant reduction in costs Fund Group Cost Shift Federal Contracts and Grants ($2,095) Private Contracts and Grants (2,095) State and Local Contracts and Grants 636 Gifts & Endowment Earnings (137) Sales and Service – Professional 31,199 Sales and Service – Other (14,610) State and Tuition (3,151) Campus Core Fund (8,851) Total $ - We will not do this. Consider intent and purpose of slide and presentation is 2016 vs 2017 comparison meaningful are bullets helpful on slide or better as talking points Dollars in thousands. Positive values indicate additional benefit costs; negative values indicate reduced benefit costs. S&S – Professional includes Medical Compensation Plan, Dental Compensation Plan, Dental Clinic, and Neuropsychiatric Hospital funds; S&S – Other includes auxiliaries, investment income, patent income, recharges, affiliation revenue, and other sales and service 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

7 UCSF’s “best” models use six or seven categories
Category Category Members (examples) 7 Rates 6 Rates Faculty 1 Ladder Rank – Associate and Full Health Science Clinical Professor Professor of Clinical ______ Professor in Residence 21.5% Faculty 2 Ladder Rank – Assistant Adjunct Professor Visiting Professor 29.7% Management and Professional Specialties Managers Pharmacists, Physicians, Dentists Nursing Services, Police Services 31.3% Specified Services Custodial Services Animal Care Technicians Laboratory and Allied Services Parking and Guard Services 49.7% 40.8% Other Academics and Staff Specialists Administrative, Budget, and Personnel Analysts Computer Programmers 40.0% Postdoctoral Fellows 20.0% Partial/Minimum/Students Students and Residents All employees with appointments offering partial or minimum benefits 4.5% Original format to slide 8 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

8 UCSF’s “best” models use six or seven categories
Category Category Members (examples) Count Salary (millions) Faculty 1 Ladder Rank – Associate and Full Health Science Clinical Professor Professor of Clinical ______ Professor in Residence 2,360 $577.1 Faculty 2 Ladder Rank – Assistant Adjunct Professor Visiting Professor 546 56.3 Management and Professional Specialties Managers Pharmacists, Physicians, Dentists Nursing Services, Police Services 1,408 136.5 Specified Services Custodial Services Animal Care Technicians Laboratory and Allied Services Parking and Guard Services 1,052 39.3 Other Academics and Staff Specialists Administrative, Budget, and Personnel Analysts Computer Programmers 9,010 464.9 Postdoctoral Fellows 1,479 53.3 Partial/Minimum/ Students Students and Residents All employees with appointments offering partial or minimum benefits 6,057 172.9 Original format to slide 8 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

9 Faculty and Postdoc Distribution
Optimizing Resource Allocation Models 5/19/2019

10 Other Academic and Staff Distribution
Optimizing Resource Allocation Models 5/19/2019

11 Impacts vary across control points
Rates Control Point Federal C&G Private C&G State and Local C&G Gifts and Endowment S&S Prof S&S Other State/Core /Tuition Total 6 SOM $(1,124) $507 $660 $130 $6,156 $(110) $(1,636) $4,583 SOD (85) 24 23 26 (758) (52) (984) (1,806) SOP (97) (1) (32) (11) (2) 10 (353) (486) SON (113) (27) (29) (16) - (88) (761) (1,034) IGHS 56 128 (160) 9 (0) 60 16 109 FAS (3) (3,043) 866 (2,181) Other 19 132 (31) 33 (587) 1,248 815 $(1,344) $762 $431 $168 $5,396 $(3,810) $(1,603) $- 7 $(1,212) $419 $20 $5,774 $(271) $(1,762) $3,387 (77) 20 27 (807) (51) (1,004) (1,870) (111) (40) (12) (381) (551) (26) (17) (89) (782) (1,056) 66 123 (136) 12 130 (1,780) 841 (943) 30 (162) 911 905 $(1,421) $666 $203 $54 $4,964 $(2,300) $(2,164) Need to update to include SOP as separate and FAS w/Other for balance Dollars in thousands. Positive values indicate additional benefit costs; negative values indicate reduced benefit costs. Within SOM, cost shifts across departments can be as large as or larger than those observed for the other schools 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

12 In the 7 rate model, the largest shifts are occurring in the Faculty 1 category
Employee Category (7 Rates) Federal C&G Private C&G State and Local C&G Gifts and Endowment S&S Prof S&S Other State/Core /Tuition Total Faculty 1 $(1,386) $(328) $(192) $368 $5,235 $(104) $(3,593) $- Faculty 2 (49) 106 119 (6) 6 (36) (140) - Management and Professional (187) (169) (109) (17) 230 (207) 459 Specified Services 299 342 199 45 56 (1,008) 67 Other Academics and Staff (110) 436 170 (31) (733) (958) 1,229 2 Postdoctoral Fellows 1 512 17 (280) (139) (76) (35) Partial/Minimum/Students 12 (234) (0) (25) 309 88 (151) (1) $(1,421) $666 $203 $54 $4,964 $(2,300) $(2,164) $1 Need to update to include SOP as separate and FAS w/Other for balance Dollars in thousands. Positive values indicate additional benefit costs; negative values indicate reduced benefit costs. This is primarily due to: The relationship between fund source and salary level The relationship between fund source and salary component (X versus Y) Shifts across departments are also caused by variation in salary scale (0, 3, or higher) 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

13 Implementations at other campuses have been relatively smooth
Davis moved to CBRs in 2011, initially with 13+ rates, now down to 10 rates – they will need to consolidate further Berkeley implemented in and now has 4 rates (academic, staff, students, and limited) UCLA will launch this month with 6 rates, similar to our proposal Full and Associate HCOMP faculty separated from other faculty Postdocs included with other faculty Other academics and staff in three categories, including a high- rate category for food service, custodial and grounds workers Optimizing Resource Allocation Models 5/19/2019

14 Potential mitigation strategies may alleviate cost shifts on a one-time or recurring basis
Options: One-time funding for negatively affected contracts and grants Shifts in recurring funding allocations within and across control points Special handling of the increased cost to UCSF Health and ZSFG contracts Need to update to include SOP as separate and FAS w/Other for balance 5/19/2019 5/19/2019 [ADD PRESENTATION TITLE: INSERT TAB > HEADER & FOOTER > NOTES AND HANDOUTS]

15 Awareness: BRM has presented about CBRs to the following groups
Budget & Investment Committee Control Point Financial Officers SOM Chairs and Directors SOM Department Managers SOD, SOP, and SON Chairs and Department Managers FAS Finance Service Center Business Partners Costing Policy Group Optimizing Resource Allocation Models 5/19/2019

16 Next Steps and Change Management
Evaluate data and finalize proposed structure Distribute data to control points Initiate discussion with UCSF Health about mitigation Initiate discussion with OSR about C&G mitigation Develop an FAQ Develop communications to departmental analysts Develop communications to RSAs, recharge units UPlan and PLUS will seed planning data with CBRs Optimizing Resource Allocation Models 5/19/2019


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