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T h e H e a r t “The Pump of Life”.

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1 T h e H e a r t “The Pump of Life”

2 C i r c u l a t i o n (red) (blue)
Nutrients, oxygen, hormones and wastes must be transported around the body. This is called CIRCULATION. The circulatory system consists of a pump (the heart) and a closed circuit of tubes. These tubes include: Arteries: Take blood from the heart to the bodies organs. Veins: Take Blood to the heart from the bodies organs. Capillaries: Very fine tubes which take materials to and from the individual cells of the body. (red) (blue)

3 The Heart Humans have a double circulatory system. The right pump of the heart propels blood to the lungs to ensure the bodies cells receive sufficient oxygen. When this bright red OXYGENATED BLOOD returns to the heart, the left pump pushes it out to all of the bodies other organs. When the blood returns to the right side of the heart it is purple in colour (or blue blood), as it is now deoxygenated.

4 One Direction Only "All In A Heart Beat"

5 Structures of the Heart

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