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English 1 CP Vocabulary Unit 3.

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1 English 1 CP Vocabulary Unit 3

2 Archetype Noun A model or pattern from which all things are copied or on which they are based; prototype. In mythology, patterns, symbols, or character types that repeat across cultures. Example: It’s so annoying when people assume that the cast of Jersey Shore are New Jersey archetypes.

3 Protruded Verb Stuck out
Example: The long neck of the Loch Ness monster protruded above the surface of the lake.

4 Epic Adjective Noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style Heroic; majestic Of unusually great size or extent Example: Those waves were totally epic, brah.

5 Hubris Noun Excessive pride or self-confidence; arrogance.
Example: The boss’s hubris made him feel superior to his employees.

6 Hamartia Noun Tragic flaw (Greek)
Example: King Oedipus’s ignorance is his hamartia.

7 In medias res Adverb In the middle of things (Latin)
Example: Speak begins in medias res; the reader enters the story after Melinda’s tragedy.

8 Mutinous Adjective Rebellious against authority
Example: The mutinous sailors refused to obey any commands.

9 Muse Noun The goddess or the power regarded as inspiring a poet, artist, thinker, or the like. Example: Not surprisingly, 2Pac’s mother was the muse for his song “Dear Mama.”

10 Guile Noun Deceitful cunning in attaining a goal; crafty or artful deception Example: Although physically smaller, the fighter used his experience and guile to secure a victory.

11 Prodigious Adjective Extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force, etc. Wonderful or marvelous Example: She is very proud of her son who has a prodigious talent for playing the guitar.

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