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Advisory Lesson Westport Middle School

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1 Advisory Lesson Westport Middle School
September 11th Advisory Lesson Westport Middle School

2 “I think it's important for us to realize that, as terrible as that day was, it brought America together and it reminded us that we're all one people.” – Barack Obama

3 What do you know about 9/11? What are some things you’ve heard?
What are some things you wonder about? Who are some people in your life who were alive on September 11, 2001 and remember that day?

4 What happened on September 11, 2001?
Complete the timeline as you watch the video.

5 Close Reading: NewsELA Article
Read the NewsELA article and annotate by underlining the main idea of each paragraph, circling important vocabulary words, making connections, and asking questions. Answer the questions.

6 Exit Slip What did you learn about 9/11 today that you did not know before?

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