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Genetic Engineering Study Guide.

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1 Genetic Engineering Study Guide

2 To what branch of science does DNA fingerprinting belong?

3 What are GMOs? Genetically Modified Organisms; also called transgenic organisms; contain recombinant DNA

4 What are some benefits to GMOs?
higher crop yields, reduced use of pesticides, improved tolerance to drought or weather

5 What is recombinant DNA?
DNA produced by combining DNA from different sources

6 What is gene therapy? Inserting functional genes into the cells that need them, replacing nonfunctional genes; can change the DNA of a person with a genetic disease

7 What are restriction enzymes?
Enzymes produced by bacteria used to cut DNA

8 What does DNA fingerprinting rely on?
The fact that no two people, except identical twins, have exactly the same DNA, and the use of STRs.

9 Why can inbreeding be risky?
Possibility of bringing two recessive alleles together in similar organisms to cause a genetic defect

10 How do we know if a cell has been successfully transformed?
the cell integrates foreign DNA into one of its chromosomes.

11 Give an example of something that would require the use of recombinant DNA?
Engineering bacteria that produce human insulin or human growth hormone.

12 What would be a reason as to why farmers often choose genetically modified crops over non- genetically modified crops? genetically modified crops are more productive

13 Give an example of an argument for someone who is arguing against the use of GM crops.
The patents for the seeds of GM crops are held by big companies, which may raise prices and force small farmers out of business.

14 What are recognition sites?
Particular sequence of bases where restriction enzymes cut

15 What technique is used to separate DNA?
Gel electrophoresis

16 How does Gel electrophoresis separate DNA?
By size

17 Why are plasmids so widely used in recombinant DNA studies?
because they easily and readily accept foreign DNA to transform bacteria

18 What is meant by the term polyploidy?
Organisms that have more than the normal sets of chromosomes ex. 3N, 4N etc.

19 What is a difference between animals produced by cloning and animals produced by sexual reproduction? The source of a clone’s DNA is a single cell taken from an adult individual.

20 What is inbreeding? Give an example.
Crossing organisms with similar characteristics. Ex. A poodle with a poodle

21 What is hybridization? Give an example.
Crossing organisms with different characteristics; ex.> to create animals that have the characteristics of both species, some people have bred buffalo and cattle together.

22 What process is shown in the picture above?

23 Why was the nucleus removed from the egg cell ?
The nucleus was removed from the egg cell to make sure that all of the DNA in the clone was from a single sheep.

24 Which sheep is the source of the nucleus in the fused cell?
Sheep A

25 Which animal is a clone? The lamb is a clone.

26 Which sheep provided an egg cell?
Sheep B

27 Which two animals are genetically identical? Why?
Sheep A and the lamb are genetically identical, because sheep A provided the nuclear DNA for the cell.

28 What process is shown below?
Gel electrophoresis

29 What is occurring in A? The restriction enzyme is cutting the DNA into fragments.

30 Why are the bands shown in B moving toward the positive end of the gel?
The bands consist of DNA, which is negatively charged.

31 What do the bands shown in B consist of?
The bands consist of DNA fragments.

32 Which group of bands moved faster, C or D? Why?
The bands in group D moved faster because they consist of smaller DNA fragments.

33 Were any of the three DNA samples from the same person
Were any of the three DNA samples from the same person? Explain your answer. No, none of the DNA samples were from the same person because they produced different patterns of bands on the gel.

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