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The Skeletal System Make No Bones About It  .

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1 The Skeletal System Make No Bones About It

2 I Have a Few Bones to Pick with you
The Skeletal System involves the interaction of _______________, _______________, _______________, _______________, and _______________. It is important for movement from place to place. This is important because: Increased opportunities to _______________ Enables organisms to find a suitable _______________ Ability to move away from _______________ and _______________ Enables organisms to find a _______________

3 Everybody’s Doing a Brand New Dance Now… Come On Baby—Do the Locomotion!!!
___________ have several functions ___________ and ___________ the body Anchorage site for ___________ Helps the body ___________ Produces ________________ in the bone marrow ___________, ___________, ___________ tissue which cushions joints and allows movement It is found in ___________ and the adult (Cartilage makes up most of the embryo’s skeleton and is later replaced by bone). In adults, it is found at the end of the ___________, between the ___________, and at the end of bones, in the ___________, ___________, ___________, and ___________.

4 Everybody’s Doing a Brand New Dance Now… Come On Baby—Do the Locomotion!!!
There are ___________ types of ___________: ___________ - these ________________ muscles are found only in the ___________ and contain striations. ___________ - ________________ and found in the digestive tract and in blood vessels ___________ or ___________ muscle—these are under ___________ control by the nervous system and are attached to bones. They help you move. 

5 Everybody’s Doing a Brand New Dance Now Come On Baby—Do the Locomotion!!!
Non-elastic, connective tissue which connects ___________ to ___________. Elastic, connective tissue which connects ___________ to ___________ Place where ___________ meet (example hinge, ball and socket, pivot, immovable)

6 Is there a Doctor in the House???
__________ - _______________ of the __________. Causes: __________, __________, __________, or __________ ______________ - _______________ of the __________. Usually occurs at the bone __________ like the __________ or __________ __________ - __________ to the __________. It is the __________ or ______________ of the _____________ that hold together the __________ in a __________ __________ - _________________________. Bones can break __________ __________, _______________, or __________ __________ - a __________ area in the __________ like the _____________ __________. In a __________, an __________ or __________ sticks out through the weak area __________ - _______________ cell growth __________ - build up of __________ in the joints

7 Just a quick thought… What organelle(s) in the cell have the same functions as the skeletal system? _________________________ Give the animal cell shape and support Give the plant cell shape and support

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