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Judaism Oldest monotheistic religion around today.

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Presentation on theme: "Judaism Oldest monotheistic religion around today."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judaism Oldest monotheistic religion around today.
Founded by Abraham around 2000 B.C.E.

2 Abraham is known as the Father of Judaism.
History of Judaism Abraham is known as the Father of Judaism. Moses was given the Torah at Mount Sinai.

3 Many different sects of Judaism Orthodox Conservative Reform
Practicing Judaism… Many different sects of Judaism Orthodox Conservative Reform

4 Basic Jewish Belief Torah 613 commandments laid out
Less than 300 are applicable to most Jews today. (First five books of the Old Testament)

5 Jewish Traditions

6 Kosher seafood must have scales and fins.
Kosher mammals must have split hooves and must be able to chew their cud. Kosher seafood must have scales and fins. For something to be considered “kosher” it should also be prepared a certain way and approved by a rabbi.

7 Sabbath Forbidden to work and do many other things on the Sabbath.
Celebrate the creation of the world and the deliverance of the Jewish people from slavery Egypt.

8 Passover

9 High Holy Days Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

10 Bar/Bat Mitzvah At the age of 12 (girls) and 13 (boys) Jewish children become responsible for their actions.

11 Hanukkah

12 The Wailing Wall



15 Synagogue



18 Yarmulke or Kippah Above: Today’s kippah. Right: Traditional kippah.

19 Tallit Can you guess what the 613 knots and ties in the shawl represent?

20 Tefillin Originally tefillin were worn all day, but not during the night. Nowadays the prevailing custom is to wear them only during the weekday morning service.


22 Kittel Not worn as much anymore except when performing rituals like Passover and wedding ceremonies for Orthodox Jews.

23 Menorah

24 Dreidel Matzah

25 Shofar

26 Star of David (Magen David Adom)

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