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By: Madison Chiarito and Kaylee Gervais

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Presentation on theme: "By: Madison Chiarito and Kaylee Gervais"— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Madison Chiarito and Kaylee Gervais
Mesopotamian Art By: Madison Chiarito and Kaylee Gervais

2 Babylonian Art Made sculptures an example: A Goddess
Babylon villages had glass places Villagers made glass art

3 Sumerian Art Part one Small statues Jewelry
Reeds and wood made: intricate chairs Pottery Music instruments

4 Sumerian Art Part Two Artistic styles help later cultures
Statue of man’s head who symbolizes ancient people Architectural achievement : Ziggurat Temple

5 Mesopotamian Art Art is very different than it is today
They make clay tablets They make cylinder seals for writing and making art They make sculptures www.

6 Why we chose this topic We chose this topic because we both like art. We thought that Mesopotamian art would be interesting.

7 Works Cited “Sumerian and Babylon art.” iconn. web < Louise, Tucker. the visual dictionary of ancient civilizations. New York, NY: Darling Kindersley, copyright print. Donn, “agent Mesopotamia for kids.” Mr. Donn social studys site. Web <


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