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Welcome to our Student Council Presentation about the Sponsorship Event we organised last term. We are going to tell you how much we raised and where the.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our Student Council Presentation about the Sponsorship Event we organised last term. We are going to tell you how much we raised and where the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our Student Council Presentation about the Sponsorship Event we organised last term. We are going to tell you how much we raised and where the money is going to go.

2 When we were in Year 1 we were doing sleeping lions. We made lion masks and laid on the floor in the hall. Half of us fell asleep! We raised £306.26.


4 When we were in Year 2 we done 10 laps around our kickabout. We were allowed to run, walk or jog around the kickabout. It was really hard when you were out of breath. We raised £385.76. Rochelle, Keira, Saoirse, Jasmine and Amari raised lots of money. Thank you to all the children.

5 When we were in Year 3 we did a backwards day and raised £419.45. Back to front day is where you wear your clothes back to front. We would like to say thank you to Khadija, Callum, Mya, Amber and Adam and all the children for raising money.


7 In year 4 we did a sponsored run around Wanstead Flats. We raised £771.62 in year 4. We raised the most money. These children raised lots of money Jake, Luis, Alam and Sol. So thank you to all those children and everyone else who gave money.

8 In Year 5 we did a sponsored silence because a member of year 5 passed away. We raised this money to go to charity. Our sponsored silence went well and we stayed quiet for the whole day at school. We had to stay quiet in lessons. Some of the children in year 5 found it tricky but for others it wasnt so much. We would like to say special thank you to all the pupils in year 5, especially Morgan, Avais, Eric, Kayne, Makeisha and Adam. We raised £330.85


10 Last year, Year 6 raised £122 by having a girls and boys swap day. The girls dressed as boys and the boys dressed as girls. Even Mr Deveson wore a dress! Then they had a tug of war and the girls won. They raised £122.



13 Thank you for all the money raised in memory of Bhupesh Make a Wish Foundation, £718.87 Great Ormond St Hospital £718.87 and Marie Curie £718.87. The rest of the money will go towards a tree and plaque in the school to remember Bhupesh.

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