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Stencil making and printing

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Presentation on theme: "Stencil making and printing"— Presentation transcript:

1 Stencil making and printing
Printmaking Stencil making and printing

2 We’re going to apply what we know about how create a 2D design, to making a stencil for our printmaking project!

3 What is printmaking? Making art by transferring an image or design.
Produce multiples of the same design. Has been used to spread information/images quickly Includes methods such as Relief Printing, Intaglio, Lithography, and Screen Printing.

4 For your stencil... Create a 2D design that you would like to print. (all shapes must have negative space in between them!) Sketch this out on stencil paper. Using Exacto knife, cut out appropriate shapes. Create custom paper. Lay stencil out on paper and tape down. Using a sponge, applying a thin coat of paint. Repeat step 5 until the piece is finished.











15 Your assignment today... In your sketchbook:
Create 10 possible stencil designs. Include what the custom paper will look like. Make sure all shapes have negative space in between them. Show Mrs. Wolfe when you’re done!

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