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Quiz 3 Review.

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1 Quiz 3 Review

2 What is Netiquette? Proper Internet etiquette is often referred to as Netiquette

3 Proper Netiquette when E-mailing
Always identify yourself and keep your messages brief and to the point. Include a concise subject line with all of your s. Let your recipient know right away if any action is required of them. Avoid “flaming” or sending insulting, abusive, or threatening remarks. Avoid using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in a message. Remember that is not necessarily private. Do not spam others. Include a signature that has your phone number or if you are sending internal , your extension.

4 Proper Netiquette When Texting
Know the Recipient – friend vs. boss E.g. “IDK the answer TTYL” vs. “I don’t know the answer, I will discuss it with you later”. Anticipate unintentional misinterpretation – symbols, codes to represent thoughts, ideas and emotions. Texting has its own complexity and limitation. Try to prevent misinterpretation with brief message. Unplug yourself for a while. Sometimes being unavailable can be healthy – everything in moderation, including texting. Don’t text and drive The likelihood of having an accident increases dramatically if the driver is texting behind the wheel.

5 Proper Netiquette When Chatting?
Don’t give out personal information such as your address, telephone number, parents’ work address or name and location of your school. Don’t agree to get together with someone you meet online without checking with your parents. If your parents agree, make sure that it is in a public place. Don’t send a person your picture or anything else without first checking with your parents. Don’t respond to any message that are mean or in anyway make you feel uncomfortable. Do talk to your parents so that you can set up rules for going online. Don’t access other areas or break these rules without your parents permission. Don’t use all CAPS.

6 How can Improper Netiquette Affect Me and My Network of Friends?
Internships – some internships will research your online history before hiring you. College application- Numerous colleges google their applicants before accepting them. Recommendation Letters- Your teacher or a person you know may not want to write you a recommendation letter because of your past history or how they see you act on the internet. Jobs in the future- You may not be able to get a job in the future because many jobs “google” you before hiring you. Cyberbullying – There are many ramifications to cyber bullying from jail time, to the victim hurting themselves. It is not worth it. Your parents may also become embarrassed by your behavior. Hurt Think about the victim Crime???

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