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Teens and Tobacco Chapter 16, Lesson 1

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1 Teens and Tobacco Chapter 16, Lesson 1
Pruitt, Allegrante, Prothrow-Stith, Health, Pearson, 2014.

2 WRITE: What does this graph reveal about the popularity of smoking among high school students?

3 Why teens use tobacco Influence of friends – most addictions begin in teen years; friends influence Influence of family – parents may smoke; may tell you negative health effects; siblings also influence

4 Influence of media anti-smoking advertising aimed at teens; tv and radio tobacco ads banned for over 30 years; near schools and with cartoon characters also banned

5 Tobacco companies required to pay for anti-smoking education
Companies still find ways to promote products – websites and in places where cigarettes sold; direct mail; sponsor events and offer discounts

6 Tobacco products Cigarettes – most frequently used tobacco product; cured, shredded tobacco leaves rolled in paper Bidis – imported from India; cigarette-like products, tobacco wrapped in leaf and tied with string

7 Kreteks – imported from Indonesia; ground clove; alters flavor and numbs the lungs
Cigar and pipe tobacco – less processed than cigarette tobacco; contains more nicotine than cigarette

8 Bidis, Kreteks, Cigars, Pipes, and water pipes – not safe alternatives

9 Smokeless Tobacco Chewed, packed inside lip, or sniffed
Contain many of same harmful chemicals as tobacco smoke Not a safe substitute for cigarettes

10 Chewing Tobacco “dip;” “chew” Poor-quality tobacco mixed with flavorings, preservatives, other chemicals

11 Snuff Finely ground tobacco Dry powder, or oil added to make snuff moist Placed either between lower lip and teeth or sniffed through nose

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