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Characterization Direct & Indirect.

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Presentation on theme: "Characterization Direct & Indirect."— Presentation transcript:

1 Characterization Direct & Indirect

2 What is Characterization?
The method an author uses to reveal characters and their various traits and personalities In basic terms How an author is able to make a character have a personality Done through direct and indirect characterization

3 Direct Characterization
The audience is directly told something about a character

4 Direct Characterization
“The boy was the biggest bully the school had ever seen, but he spent his weekends at the animal shelter.” The audience is told that the boy is a bully “The quiet girl liked to write in her diary.” The audience is told that the girl is quiet

5 Telling, not showing Ed Johnson scratched his head in confusion as the sales rep explained their newest engine performance diagnostic computer. The old mechanic hated modern electronics, preferring the old days when all he needed was a stack of manuals and a good set of tools. The audience is told Ed is confused and hates modern electronics

6 Indirect Characterization
The audience is shown something about a character

7 Indirect Characterization
Remember the mnemonic device STEAL Speech What does this character say? Thoughts What does this character think? Effects on other characters What do others think of this character? Actions What does this character do? Looks What does this character look like?

8 Indirect Characterization
“The boy was the biggest bully the school had ever seen, but he spent his weekends at the animal shelter.” The audience was directly told the boy is a bully Now, the audience is indirectly shown that the boy loves animals STEAL? “The quiet girl liked to write in her diary.” The audience was directly told the girl is quiet Now, the audience is indirectly shown that the girl enjoys writing and reflecting on her day

9 Showing, not telling “That Ed Johnson,” said Anderson, watching the old mechanic scratch his head in confusion as the sales rep explained their newest engine performance diagnostic computer. “He hasn’t got a clue about modern electronics. Give him a good set of tools and a stack of yellowing manuals with a carburetor needing repair, and he’d be happy as a hungry frog in a fly-field.” The audience is shown through the effect on another character that Ed doesn’t like modern electronics

10 Practice: Direct or Indirect If Indirect, what kind of STEAL is used
Practice: Direct or Indirect If Indirect, what kind of STEAL is used? If Indirect, what does that say about the highlighted character? “Why do you get to go first just because you’re in a wheelchair?” the boy said angrily. His mother was a tall woman who was only afraid of spiders. He gave the homeless man his sweatshirt because he looked cold. “I wonder if anyone can see my pimple,” the girl thought as she walked through the busy mall. The middle school students scurried away in fright as they saw the high school boy walking toward them.

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