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The Supreme Court GOVT Notes 5-2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Supreme Court GOVT Notes 5-2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Supreme Court GOVT Notes 5-2

2 Supreme Court Justices
9 Justices serve on the SC No term limits, SC Justices may serve for life President Nominates Justices, Senate Confirms

3 Routes to the Supreme Court
Writ of Certiorari: SC wants to hear a case, asks lower court to send all records Either party (side) can petition for a writ Must be an error in lower court OR a serious Constitutional issue Requires Rule of Four: 4 of 9 Justices agree to hear the case SC gets 8,000 appeals each year, hears cases They hear 1% of cases

4 Court Definitions In forma pauperis:
Court pays an attorney to represent a person Brief: written document arguing one side of the case both sides file briefs Interest Groups file amicus curiae briefs (friend of the court)

5 Court Definitions Docket: SC’s schedule of cases
Majority Opinion: Decision of the SC with reasons why (5 or more Justices agree) Dissenting Opinion: Disagree with Majority of SC through written objections

6 Oral Arguments Open to the Public: No Video Recording
Each case is allowed 1 hour for arguments SC Justices question lawyers on their cases

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