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Probability and Counting

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Presentation on theme: "Probability and Counting"— Presentation transcript:

1 Probability and Counting

2 Probability Experiment
Action, or trial, through which specific results are obtained Counts, measurements, or responses

3 Outcome Result of a singe trial

4 Sample Space Set of all possible outcomes

5 Event A part of the sample space.
It can consist of one or more outcomes.

6 Identifying the Vocab…
You are doing a probability experiment that consists of tossing a coin and then rolling a six-sided die. How many total outcomes are there? What is the sample space

7 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 12 Outcomes

8 Counting Principle If one event m occurs, and another event n occurs, then the total outcomes are m·n

9 Buying a new car You are buying a new car!
The possible manufacturers, car sizes, and colors are listed… Manufacturer: Ford, GM, Honda Car Size: Compact, Midsize Color: White (W), Red (R), Blue (B), Green (G) How many possible outcomes can you have?

10 Quick Way

11 Not Quick Way 24 Outcomes Ford GM Honda compact midsize compact
B G W R B G W R B G W R B G W R B G W R B G 24 Outcomes

12 Classical Probability

13 Probability with Dice What is the probability I roll a six?

14 Probability with Cards
Number of Cards in a deck: 52 Number of suites: 4 Number in each suite: 13

15 What is the probability???
Of drawing a heart??? 52 cards total 13 Hearts

16 So…

17 What is the probability ???
Of drawing a Queen??? 52 cards total 4 Queen

18 So…

19 What is the probability???
Of drawing a face card??? 52 cards total 12 Face Cards

20 So…

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