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DOMA Checklist Pension Funds Health & Welfare Funds.

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Presentation on theme: "DOMA Checklist Pension Funds Health & Welfare Funds."— Presentation transcript:

1 DOMA Checklist Pension Funds Health & Welfare Funds


3 Beneficiary Designations Spouse is default beneficiary Another may not be chosen without spouses written consent Post DOMA Same Sex Spouse has same right

4 QJSA (Qualified Joint and Survivor Annuity) Default in DB/Money Purchase is 50% j/s for spouse Spousal consent allows other options Post DOMA Same Sex Spouse has same rights

5 QPSA (Qualified Pre-Retirement Survivor Annuity) Participant pre-deceases, spouse gets 50% QPSA, in DB/Money Purchase Post DOMA Same sex spouse has same rights

6 Hardship Withdrawals DC may allow HWs for cerain medical, tuition, funeral expenses For spouse, dependents, or beneficiary Same sex spouse has same rights to HWs

7 Rollovers Spousal beneficiary may roll over to another employer plan or to own IRA Non-spousal can rollover only to inherited IRA Post-DOMA Same sex spouse has same expanded rollover opportunities

8 QDROs Spouse or dependent may secure Court Order to establish right to certain part of participants benefits (usually post-divorce) Post-DOMA QDRO may be secured by same sex former spouse (or spouses dependent, if also dependent of participant)

9 RMDs Required Minimum Distributions Surviving spouses may delay RMDs to 70.5, unlike non-spouse beneficiaries Post DOMA Same sex spouses may also delay to participants 70.5


11 PreTax Premium Conversion Through cafeteria plan, employee may pay for spousal & dependent premiums pre-tax Post DOMA Same sex spouse has same benefits paid for pretax by participant

12 Health Care FSAs (Flexible Spending Accounts) Participant may pay for certain benefits of spouse & dependents through pre-tax FSA contributions Post DOMA Same may be paid for same sex spouse

13 COBRA Spouse & dependents of participant shall receive notice and may elect COBRA coverage for 18 to 36 months Post DOMA Same right to COBRA notice and election of benefits

14 HIPAA Special Enrollment Spouses/dependents newly eligible for plan (marriage/birth/etc) & spouses/dependents who lose coverage may enroll during closed periods Post DOMA Same sex spouses entitled to same right of enrollment

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