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Fun with Diction.

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Presentation on theme: "Fun with Diction."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fun with Diction

2 Denotation and Connotation
Denotation: the explicit or direct meaning of a word as found in a dictionary Connotation: associations implied by a specific word

3 Explain the differences in connotation among the members of each of the following groups of words:

4 Corpulent Plump Obese Pudgy Heavy-set Fleshy Fat Burly Paunchy Overweight Roly-poly Bulky Portly Beefy

5 Hurl Throw Pitch Chuck Toss Fling cast

6 Unusual Extraordinary Remarkable Noteworthy Strange Eerie Bizarre Singular far out Outlandish Off the wall Curious Odd

7 Titter Giggle Chuckle Laugh Guffaw Roar Snicker Snigger Cackle

8 Saving Tight Miserly Frugal Economical Careful Penurious Thrifty Penny-pinching Budget-minded Prudent

9 Pig-headed Stubborn Obdurate Adamant stiff-necked Rigid Obstinate Unalterable Changeless Dogged Steadfast

10 Choosing Diction to Convey Tone
You will now be selecting two of our current tone words and one random object. Your task is to compose two separate paragraphs – one for each tone – to describe your random object. You must rely on connotative diction to convey your tone.

11 Let’s Analyze It The author's name
plus an adjective (such as sophisticated, varied, inventive, sparkling, effective, carefully crafted, flashy, colloquial, folksy).  Use a different adjective for each sentence. plus the term "diction" plus a strong verb (such as: demonstrates, creates, emphasizes, generates, fulfills) plus the function of the word choices (what those choices do for the piece) plus at least two examples Example: Chavez's biting diction demonstrates the true nature of violent protest and its leaders with word choices such as ”exploit" and ”oppression." 

12 Assignment Take a piece of writing supplied in class – “The Perils of Indifference” – and create a thesis statement using the above “formula”.

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