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Warm Up: Decision Making

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1 Warm Up: Decision Making
Use complete sentences. 1.) What has been your toughest decision you’ve ever had to make?

2 Decision Making Process
Objective: To help students understand the importance of reflective decision making and learn how to use the Decision-Making Rubric Graphic Organizer

3 Choice, not chance determines destiny.
Anonymous Fears are normal; learning to act in spite of them is a mark of maturity.

4 No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made
No trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. Agnes De Mill

5 Decision Making Process
Let’s review a easy decision. What to wear to school? First: You think about your image or what you would like your image to be. Second: Consider your choices – the clothes you have or your budget for buying anything new. Third: Rule out certain items, like a unattractive shirt or shoes. Fourth: You will think about what other people wear. Fifth: Evaluate your choices. Finally: Make your decision and consider which outfit most fits your goal.

6 Activity 170: Identifying Choices
Textbook reading page 170. Activity 170: List two of Joyce’s goals. What is Joyce’s long-term goal? What are the options she must choose from now that will effect her long-term goal? 1. 2. 3.

7 Activity 171: Gathering Information
Textbook reading page 171. Activity 171: Can you list some other information that would be helpful to Joyce as she weighs her alternatives?

8 Activity 172: Evaluating Choices
After listing your alternatives and learned as much as you can about them, you are ready to evaluate your choices. Using a pros vs. cons approach is best. You must also judge how likely each alternative is to be successful or get what you want. Be careful not to be biased towards the choice you think is most appropriate for you! Be honest in your evaluations!

9 Evaluating Choices: Activity 172 Cont.
This is the time to consider your feelings about your choices. Using your research, does your intuition tell you that one course is most suitable for you? There is no guarantee that your decision will make you successful. Keeping your goals and values in mind, you can be confident of making a good decision most of the time. Complete the pros and cons of Joyce not working at all and her probability of her success. Place your answers on Activity 172.

10 Jessica and John’s Story (Optional)
Read Jessica’s story on Textbook page 173. Activity 173: answer the questions using the chart to identify Jessica’s choices and evaluate each one. Read John’s story on Textbook page 174. Activity 174: Fill out the chart and answer the question.

11 Long-Term vs. Short-Term
Essential to your happiness right now; immediate gratification. Will be reached in the future. Not to experience the rewards for years.

12 Comprehensive Decision Making Model
Define your goal. State the decision to be made. Analyze your resources. Analyze your wants and needs. Identify your choices. Gather information. Evaluate your choices. Make your decision.

13 Gloria’s Chart: Textbook pg. 176
Evaluate Gloria’s chart. What choice would you make if you were Gloria? Write your answer on Activity 176.

14 Activity 177: Decision-Making Rubric
Your Goal: To identify a career that you would find most interesting. Decision to be made: Which career you would find most satisfying. What are the resources you need to make your decision? What are your wants and needs? Any other information needed? Activity 177 Make your choice: ______________ How realistic is your choice? ______________

15 Movie Time! Robert Frost: “The Road Not Taken.”

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