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/8/14 Do Now – ACT practice problem

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1 8 14 12/8/14 Do Now – ACT practice problem
What is the area, in square units, of the rectangle shown below? 8 14

2 Given a scenario, I can graph and solve inequalities.
Objective Given a scenario, I can graph and solve inequalities.

3 Learning Goal I can write simple and compound inequalities I can solve and graph inequalities

4 Do Now /9/14 1) 12x = 9x ) 12(x – 8) = 60 3) 20x + 32 = 8(12x + 4) 4) 8(6x – 2) = 4(2x + 6) 5) What does it mean for an equation/inequality to have no solution?

5 DO NOW 12-10-14 (ACT PRACTICE)
The floor of a certain bedroom is rectangular, with a length of 15 feet and a width of 12 feet. How many square feet of carpeting are needed to completely cover the floor of the bedroom?

6 Do Now 12/11/14 Solve the absolute value equation/inequality.
1) |x – 3| = ) |x + 4| -2 = 6 3) |x + 3| < ) |x + 3| > 5

7 Do Now 12/12/14 Clear your desk except scrap paper, and do now sheets and review sheets to be collected. Please get all supplies (paper, pen/pencil, calculator) before exam begins.

8 Objective I will demonstrate my knowledge of linear equations and inequalities by successfully completing the unit assessment.

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