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Pasta Horse Skeletal Models

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1 Pasta Horse Skeletal Models

2 Resource List Pasta-various shapes/sizes
Glue-be careful, it’s hot & will burn you  Pipecleaners “Googly” eyes Plates Adhesive labels Anything else is up to you!! (Paint & painting supplies-optional)

3 Basic Steps Examine skeletal drawing Evaluate provided pasta shapes
Choose pasta Construct frame (pipe cleaners) Add pasta (thread or glue on) (Add color-optional) Label

4 Basic Scoring Guide Objective: Understand the anatomical structure of the horse & how its skeletal features correspond to it movement & agility. 50 Points Total 15 points for overall correctness of form (in other words…does it resemble the photos we have seen...could you tell it was a horse if you didn’t know?) POINTS TO ADDRESS: Proportions/scale, angles, flexibility 20 points for labeling (at least 20 different bones) 10 points for creativity/eye appeal 5 points for stability The group with the best horse will be awarded a prize! Please do your best and don’t waste resources!!

5 Proportions!! 






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