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Ch. 3 Adding to the Foundation Roots and Combining Forms

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1 Ch. 3 Adding to the Foundation Roots and Combining Forms
External Anatomy Ch. 3 Adding to the Foundation Roots and Combining Forms

2 The foundation or basic meaning of a word.
Let’s Review Root Combining Vowel Combining Form The foundation or basic meaning of a word. Usually but not always an “o” that is placed between the root and a suffix to help make pronunciation easier. A root with the combining vowel added, attaching the root to a suffix or another root.

3 Blephar/o: eyelid or eyelash
Pronunciation blef’ahr-o Blepharospasm abnormal contraction or twitching of the eyelid

4 Brachi/o: arm or foreleg
Pronunciation bra’ke-o The brachialis (brachialis anticus) is a muscle in the upper arm that flexes the elbow joint.

5 Bucc/o: Pronunciation buk’o cheek Buccal mucosal surface

6 Angle at either end of the slit between the eyelids
Medial canthus Canth/o: Pronunciation kan’tho Angle at either end of the slit between the eyelids

7 Capit/o: head Decapitation Pronunciation kap’it-o

8 Carp/o: wrist Pronunciation karp’o Carpus

9 Cephal/o: head Pronunciation sef’al-o
Cephalic vein – vein towards the head Hydrocephalus - fluid on the brain

10 Cervic/o: Pronunciation ser’vik-o neck Cervical bones

11 Cheil/o, chil/o: lip Pronunciation kile’o
Cheilosis (also called cheilitis) is a painful inflammation and cracking of the corners of the mouth.

12 Eyelash, small hair like process
Pronunciation sil’ee-o Cilia Cili/o Eyelash, small hair like process

13 Cor/e, cor/o: pupil Anisocoria Pronunciation kor’ee, kor’o

14 Dactyl/o: Digit, toe Polydactyl Pronunciation dak’til-o

15 Dent/i, dent/o: tooth or teeth
Pronunciation dent’ee, dent’o tooth or teeth dentist

16 Derm/a, derm/o, dermat/o:
skin Pronunciation derm’a, derm’o, derm’at-o Dermatosis – skin condition

17 Dors/i, dors/o: back dorsal Pronunciation dor’see, dor’so

18 facial Pronunciation fa’she-o Faci/o: face

19 Gingiv/o: gums Gingiva Pronunciation jin’jiv-o

20 Gloss/o: tongue Pronunciation glos’o
Glossophobia the fear of public speaking

21 Gnath/o: jaw Pronunciation nath’o
Gnathophyma involves swelling of the chin

22 Irid/o: Iris of the eye Pronunciation ir’id-o
Iridology the study of the iris of the eye

23 Labi/o: lips labia Pronunciation lay’be-o

24 laparotomy Pronunciation lap’ahr-o Lapar/o: flank, abdomen

25 Later/o: side Pronunciation lat’er-o lateral

26 Lingu/o: tongue sublingual Pronunciation ling’wo

27 Mamm/a, mamm/o: mammary gland Pronunciation mam’ah, mam-o
Mammary gland or teet Pronunciation mam’ah, mam-o Mamm/a, mamm/o: mammary gland

28 Nasogastric tube Pronunciation naze-o Nas/o: nose

29 Occipital bone Pronunciation ok-sip’it-o Occipit/o: back of the head

30 Ocul/o: eye Pronunciation ock’ule-o
Ocular Dexter – right eye, ocular sinister – left eye, ocular uniter – both eyes Pronunciation ock’ule-o

31 Odont/o: tooth or teeth Pronunciation oh-don’t’o
Odontology – the scientific study of the structure and disease of teeth

32 Omphal/o: navel or umbilicus
Pronunciation om’fah-lo navel or umbilicus Omphalocele repair is surgery to repair a birth defect in the wall of the belly

33 Onych/o: Pronunciation on’ik-o nail or claw Onychyectomy – de-clawing

34 Ophthalm/o: eye or eyes
Pronunciation of-thal’mo Ophthalmology – the branch of medicine concerned with the study and treatment of disorders and diseases of the eye.

35 Or/o: mouth Oral cavity Pronunciation or’o

36 Ot/o: Pronunciation oh’toe ear Otoscope

37 Nipple or nipple shaped
Papilloma a small wartlike growth on the skin or on a mucous membrane, derived from the epidermis and usually benign. Papill/o: Pronunciation Pah-pill’o Nipple or nipple shaped

38 Phall/o: penis Pronunciation fal’o

39 Pil/o: hair Pronunciation pile’o
Pilocystic - denoting a dermoid cyst containing hair

40 Pod/o: foot or foot shaped
Pronunciation Pod’o foot or foot shaped Pododermatitis inflammation of the skin on the feet

41 Rhin/o: nose Rhinitis – nasal inflammation Pronunciation rine’o

42 sew,-mat’o, sew-mat’ik-o
Somatology is defined as the study or science of the human body as a branch of anthropology. Pronunciation sew,-mat’o, sew-mat’ik-o Somat/o, somatic/o: body

43 Steth/o: chest Pronunciation steth’o stethoscope

44 Stom, stomat/o: mouth Pronunciation sto’mah-toe
Stomatology is the study of the structure, function and diseases of the oral cavity. Pronunciation sto’mah-toe

45 ankle or edge of the eyelid
Tarsus Pronunciation tahr’so Tars/o: ankle or edge of the eyelid

46 Thorac/o: chest or thorax
Pronunciation tho’rah-ko Thoracotomy is a surgical procedure to gain access into the pleural space of the chest.

47 Trich/o: hair or hair like
Pronunciation trik’o trichobezoar

48 Ventr/i, ventr/o: belly Pronunciation ven’tree, ven’tro
Ventrum or ventral aspect Pronunciation ven’tree, ven’tro

49 Questions?

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