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English III Class Pledge and Coat of Arms

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1 English III Class Pledge and Coat of Arms

2 Agenda: Bell Ringer – Joining Class Remind Group Turnitin Set Up
Introduce the unit Creating a Personal Coat of Arms

3 Intro to Unit: We will read:
-Stories, poems, and essays by people of different backgrounds to see how they discuss their identity or events that have shaped their identity We will wonder: -How do people use their identity to make sense of the world? -What strategies do people use to communicate to others who they are?

4 TURN IT IN - A2 A2 Adv English 3 Class ID: 13146805 Password: burns
Go to A2 Adv English 3 Class ID: Password: burns

5 TURN IT IN - B1 B1 Adv English 3 Class ID: 13146813 Password: burns
Go to B1 Adv English 3 Class ID: Password: burns

6 TURN IT IN - B2 B2 English 3 Class ID: 13146819 Password: burns
Go to B2 English 3 Class ID: Password: burns

7 Google DRIVE Log into Google using your SCHOOL email
Password is the same as your computer/ log in. Create a folder for school year Create a Folder for English 3 Share this folder with me and Ms. Merritt

8 Personal Coat of Arms Eventually, we will be writing about what makes us who we are. To start thinking about this, I want you to think about who you are as a person—what makes you, you? Is it the things you do? The beliefs you hold? The people you surround yourself with? Your personality? Your body?

9 Personal Coat of Arms Follow the instructions on the personal coat of arms sheet to create a coat of arms that you think best represents who you are as a whole person. Take your time and really think about it because we’ll come back to this when we start writing in a couple weeks!

10 Personal Interest Survey

11 For next class: We will be starting lessons! Bring your A-game!
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