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Biology Overview The Study of Life What does the term Biology mean?

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Presentation on theme: "Biology Overview The Study of Life What does the term Biology mean?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology Overview The Study of Life What does the term Biology mean?
Characterize life? composed of cells responsive to stimuli growth and development reproduction metabolism ability to adapt to environment as a population movement

2 Biology Overview Change DNA Evolution is a unifying theme in Biology
What is evolution? Change Living systems require the transmission of Information DNA

3 Biology Overview Energy Life requires the input and flow of ?
How do organisms get their energy? Producers: those who make their own food Consumers: those who cannot make their own food Life is connected by a flow of energy

4 Biology Overview Ecosystem Life is connected by a flow of energy
What do we call that connection? Ecosystem

5 Science: Biology Overview What is Science?
Organized way of examining the natural world and the accumulation of gained knowledge about that world.

6 Biology Overview Scientific Method Investigations in Biology
What are the components of doing science? observations hypothesis development experimentation data collection and analysis

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