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By Dani, Abbie-Grace, and Kiwi (AKA Kiera)

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Presentation on theme: "By Dani, Abbie-Grace, and Kiwi (AKA Kiera)"— Presentation transcript:

1 By Dani, Abbie-Grace, and Kiwi (AKA Kiera)
Genetics over Time :) By Dani, Abbie-Grace, and Kiwi (AKA Kiera)

2 Some Vocabulary! Heredity: the passing of physical characteristics from parents to offspring ( you will learn about this later. PAY ATTENTION!) Genotype: a genotype is an organism’s genetic makeup, or allele combinations Sex linked genes: A gene that is carried on the X or Y chromosomes Hybrid: An organism that has two different alleles for a trait; an organism that is heterozygous for a paticular trait.

3 Punnett squares, Mendel’s work:
How to do a punnett square! A B Boxes Probability A )AA % AA 2)AB % AB A )AA 4)AB

4 Using Punnett Squares To Track Traits
Parent 1. Blue Eyes (genotype bb) Note: Genotype Parent 2. Brown Eyes(genotype Bb) for brown hair can be: BB or Bb Children: 50% chance of being Bb (Brown Eyes) 50% chance of being bb (Blue Eyes)

5 Blood Typing There are three types of blood- A,B, or o.o is recessive, and A and B are dominant.Therefore, blood that is Ao or Bo is still considered A and B because A and B are dominant. Example:

6 Pedigree Charts A pedigree chart demonstrates the traits of a family and who does and doesn’t have a particular trait. A pedigree chart is similar to a family tree due to the fact it presents all the family names

7 Genetic Mutations Cystic fibrosis- Genetic disorder where the body produces abnormally thick mucus in the lungs and intestines Sickle Cell Disease- Red blood cells cannot carry as much oxygen Hemophilia- A person’s blood clots slowly or not at all Down Syndrome- People who have Down syndrome have a degree of mental illness and retardation.

8 BRAIN POP QUIZ!!!!!! dity/

9 WATCHING!! We hope you enjoyed it and learned some new things!!!
!!!!! END!!!!! THANK YOU FOR WATCHING!! We hope you enjoyed it and learned some new things!!!

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