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Background to the American Revolution

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1 Background to the American Revolution
Roots of Democracy Background to the American Revolution

2 English Democratic Tradition
English rights had been developing for centuries 1215 Magna Carta (Great Charter) Guaranteed political and civil liberties King had to obey laws King could not seize property No tax without agreement of elected representatives No trial without witness or jury of peers

3 English Democratic Tradition
Parliamentary government made up of 2 houses House of commons- elected by people House of Lords- made up of nobility Colonial governments were modeled after this Distance had always allowed colonies a lot of autonomy

4 Colonial Conflict with Parliament
Parliament officially controlled colonies, but they only interfered on occasion 1628 Charles I wants more $$ from Parliament Parliament issues the Petition of Rights

5 Colonial Conflict with Parliament
The Petition was not an enactment of new law, but a declaration of established rights. It contained four demands: there should be no taxation without the consent of Parliament; there should be no imprisonment without cause shown; there should be no quartering of soldiers or sailors upon householders against their will;

6 Colonial Conflict with Parliament
King Charles takes away colonial governments Navigation Acts 1651 (p.97 blue book) Leads to Smuggling

7 Colonial Conflict with Parliament
King James II creates Dominion of New England Appoints Edmund Andros governor 1674 No colonial assemblies or town meetings were allowed

8 Return to Tradition Glorious Revolution 1689 English Bill of Rights
King/queen could not change laws, impose taxes w/out consent of parliament Free elections No excessive fines Could complain Colonists regain right to assemble Still had royal appointed governor Changed Navigation Acts a little

9 Return to Tradition Policy of Salutary Neglect
Also means Beneficial Neglect As long as the colonists remained loyal economically, parliament and the King/Queen stayed out of their business

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