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Bell Work for Week of March 14

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1 Bell Work for Week of March 14

2 Monday, March 14 What is your impression of the following characters?
Nick Daisy Tom Jordan

3 Tuesday, March 15 Misplaced Modifiers: A modifying word, phrase, or clause must be placed as closely as possible to the word or words you intend it to modify. Rewrite the following sentences to correct the misplaced modifiers. Uncle Joe saw a deer bounding across the road on his way to work. The coach praised his players for playing their best as he gave out the trophies. Undaunted, the storm did not prevent the crew from setting sail as planned.

4 Wednesday, March 16 Misplaced Modifiers Rewrite the following sentences to correct the misplaced modifiers. Louise projected the photographs on a large screen that she had taken at the zoo. There is a bracelet in the museum that is four thousand years old. Balloons flew to the ceiling above the children carried by helium.

5 Thursday, March 17 Explain whether you agree or disagree with this statement. (4-5 sentences) “Money can’t buy happiness.”

6 Friday, March 18 Dangling Modifier: A modifying word, phrase, or clause that does not clearly and sensibly modify any word or word group in a sentence. Rewrite the following sentences to correct the misplaced modifiers. Having selected a college, a trip to the campus was planned. To interpret this poem, a knowledge of mythology is helpful. While running to the bus, my wallet must have fallen out of my pocket.

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