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The Duel for North America:

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Presentation on theme: "The Duel for North America:"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Duel for North America: 1608-1763
Unit 1: Early America to 1763

2 “Trouble in Paradise” Clashes in the New World between:
Natives and settlers Settlers and their “workers” Between natives Between settlers Between imperial powers

3 Wars with Native population
Popé’s rebellion 1680 Black Legend Anglo-Pohatan War (1614) Marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe Second Pohatan War No hopes for assimilation and peace Tuscarora War: NC ( ) Yamasee: SC ( ) Pequot War King Phillip’s War

4 Outcome of Conflicts? Continued and intensified: Retaliation
Loss of autonomy and land Unfair and fraudulent negotiations

5 “Worker” Revolts Bacon’s Rebellion Stono Rebellion 1739
Landless vs. gentry Stono Rebellion 1739 New York slave revolt 1712 All rebellions were quickly suppressed Seeds of discontent were sown

6 Fighting for Rights Zenger Trial New York 1734-1735
Role of Alexander Hamilton Charges of sedition and libel Freedom of the press?

7 Meanwhile in Europe… Edict of Nantes (1598) English Civil War
Huguenots New France English Civil War Glorious Revolution

8 Imperial Battles Defeat of the Spanish Armada
English settlers vs. French coureurs de bois King William’s War ( ) Queen Anne’s War ( ) Role of Indian allies Guerilla warfare – not worth the commitment of regular troops Utrecht treaty (1713) signaled the extent of British victory

9 Contagion from troubles with Spain
British trading rights in Spanish America War of Jenkin’s Ear Caribbean Sea and Georgia King George’s War War of Austrian Succession Louisbourg returned to the French Remember, American colonists were British

10 Fight for the Ohio Valley
Pressure for expansion Disputed land claims Introducing….. George Washington Capture of Fort Necessity Uprooting of Acadians

11 French and Indian War Seven Year’s War (1754-1763) Albany Congress
England and Prussia vs. France, Spain, Austria, and Russia Albany Congress Quest for colonial unity Retention of Iroquois alliance British Regulars Battle of Quebec

12 Implications and Aftermath
Will colonies be able to unify? Treatment of colonial soldiers What will happen to Indians allied to the French? Pontiac’s uprising

13 Seeds of Colonial Discontent
Mercantilism End of salutary neglect Dominion of New England Proclamation of 1763 Discovery of a common voice across colonies

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