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Title slide Mr. Fredrickson: “Life was so much better when I had Ellie around. Going to her grave everyday isn’t anything like actually having her here.

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Presentation on theme: "Title slide Mr. Fredrickson: “Life was so much better when I had Ellie around. Going to her grave everyday isn’t anything like actually having her here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title slide Mr. Fredrickson: “Life was so much better when I had Ellie around. Going to her grave everyday isn’t anything like actually having her here. Our dream was to go to Paradise Falls. Maybe I could still go with the help of others since I’m too weak to go alone.” Mr. Fredrickson: “would any of you or your workers like to assist me in my journey to Paradise Falls?” Construction worker: “Sir, we have business to do, we don’t have time to play around.” Mr. Fredrickson: “Well since that didn’t work out, I’m not sure who to ask now.”

2 Russell: “Hello, I’m Russell and I’m a boy scout…” Mr
Russell: “Hello, I’m Russell and I’m a boy scout…” Mr. Fredrickson: “Can you help me on my journey to Paradise Falls?” Russell: “What is going on? Where are we going? My mom told me never to talk to strangers… What is with all these balloons?” Mr. Fredrickson: “We’re going to paradise falls, and you are going to help me. I’m Mr. Fredrickson and we are doing this on behalf of my wife, Ellie.” Russell: “Why are there so many balloons?” Mr. Fredrickson: “We are floating away in my house to get to Paradise Falls. Can you help me count the balloons? How many are blown up and in use right now?” Russell: “I count 4 red balloons, 2 blue balloons, 1 green and 1 yellow that are supporting your house. Altogether there are 8 balloons. In the chimney still are 16 other balloons. 8 red balloons, 4 blue balloons, 2 green ones and 2 yellow ones.” Mr. Fredrickson: “Great, thank you Russell. I believe we will have enough to make it to Paradise Falls. I need a couple helpers though, so we make it to the falls safe. Altogether there needs to be four of us. How many more helpers do I need, including you and I?” Russell: “Well, I know that half of 4 is 2. And you and I are 2, so you need 2 more helpers Mr. Fredrickson.”

3 Russell: “LOOK. There are 8 animals, we can ask them for help. ” Mr
Russell: “LOOK! There are 8 animals, we can ask them for help!” Mr. Fredrickson: “We only need the help of 2 animals though, how many will he have to tell no, that they can’t help us? Russell: “Half of 8 is 4, and half of 4 is 2. So we need to tell 6 animals that we don’t need their help! I hope they aren’t mad at us!” Mr. Fredrickson: “Oh my! These aren’t animals! They are rocks in the shape of animals. We don’t have to tell them no now!” Dug: “Hello, My name is dug!” Russell: “Is that a talking dog, I’ve never heard a talking dog before!” Mr. Fredrickson: “Who cares if he talks, he is a helper. Dug, would you like to help us on our journey to Paradise Falls?” Dug: “Sure!” Mr. Fredrickson: “Russell, how many more helpers do we need?” Russell: “Well we needed 2 before, and we got the help of Dug, so we need 1 more!” Mr. Fredrickson: “We can do this! Wow, look at those clouds!” Russell: “I see 1 cloud in the shape of a boy scout badge!” Dug: “I see 3 clouds in the shape of bones! I like bones!” Mr. Fredrickson: “I see 2 clouds in the shape of hearts. How many funky shaped clouds are there altogether?” Russell: “ is like which equals 6! There are 6 clouds in the sky!” Kevin: “Hi, my names Kevin. Do you have chocolate? I like chocolate!” Mr. Fredrickson: “Can you help us on our journey to Paradise Falls?” Kevin: “Only if you feed me chocolate!” Russell: “I have chocolate; now help us go to Paradise Falls!” Mr. Fredrickson: “We have been travelling for a long time.” Kevin: “How long, Mr. Fredrickson?” Russell: “It was 1 hour until we found Dug, and 2 hours until we found you, Kevin.” Dug: “I think that means you guys have been on this journey for 3 hours!” Russell: “Correct!”

4 Mr. Fredrickson: “LOOK. Paradise Falls is right there
Mr. Fredrickson: “LOOK! Paradise Falls is right there! Ellie would be so proud!” Mr. Fredrickson: “Oh my, look at that gap. I’m not sure we can get to the falls with this gap here.” Russell: “It looks like it would only take 2 hops by each of us to get there…” Mr. Fredrickson: “So how many hops would it take all 4 of us to get there?” Russell: “There are 4 of us. 2 hops per helper = 8!” Mr. Fredrickson: “In 8 hops we will be in Paradise Falls! Oh Ellie, can you believe it? Russell, I noticed your badge that says ‘MATH’; I’m not sure how we ever would’ve gotten to the falls without your help with the math problems we’ve had to solve! Thank you so much!” Russell: “You’re welcome Mr. Fredrickson! Here’s some chocolate for you Kevin and a good rub for you Dug.”


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