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Bellringer: March 17 We are beginning a new lesson. Read the following poem. Then explain what you think the meaning of the poem is. Write your explanation.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellringer: March 17 We are beginning a new lesson. Read the following poem. Then explain what you think the meaning of the poem is. Write your explanation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellringer: March 17 We are beginning a new lesson. Read the following poem. Then explain what you think the meaning of the poem is. Write your explanation in your notes. oceanoceanocean oceancanoeocean

2 “Birmingham Letter” assignment
It was due on today. Turn it in with the scoring guide attached. March 20th is the absolute final day that I will accept work from MP 3. NOON on March 20th. After that date and time, I will not accept any assignment. If you have already set up with your counselor to receive an incomplete for MP 3 so that you have an extension, you have one week after the end of MP 3 to get those assignments in. This extension applies to maybe 3 people about of the 150+ students of mine.

3 REMIND I signed up for REMIND – that thing that’ll let me send you reminders of due dates and other notices. TEXT to: 81010 (periods 1, 3, and 5) (periods 4 and 8) (period 2) Or go to the weebly page and follow the link. The messages can go to your phone OR an address.

4 NEW LESSON!!!!! We move from prose and argumentation/persuasion to poetry. We are not just looking at what the poem says and the theme. We are looking at the STRUCTURE of the poem and how the STRUCTURE supports or emphasizes the theme.

5 How do the poets control diction and structure to explore problems with isolation?
We’re going to examine two poems for this lesson, “Negro Hero” from 1945 and “Legal Alien” from 1985. Your assignment will be to show how each poet shows the problems with isolation through their use of diction and structure. To help you, here are a few…. (go ahead to the next slide)

You should know these and you should know that we’re going to identify them AND figure out how their effect contributes to the meaning of the work as a whole.

7 Connotation Definition: an idea or feeling that a word invokes in addition to its literal or primary meaning. Positive/Negative/Neutral A dove implies peace or gentility. Home suggests family, comfort and security. Politician has a negative connotation of wickedness and insincerity while statesperson connotes sincerity. Pushy refers to someone loud-mouthed and irritating.

8 Diction Definition: Word choice What’s the difference? She’s pretty. She’s appealing. She’s beautiful. She’s pulchritudinous. She’s fetching.

9 Tone Definition: the attitude of the author/speaker towards a subject.
Tone is created through word choice, point of view, and level of formality in writing. Examples of tone in a story include just about any adjective you can imagine: Scared Anxious Excited Worried Foolish Smart Depressing  Look at your tone wheels!!!

10 Alliteration Definition: a series of words in a row (or close to a row) have the same first consonant sound. A tongue twister Carrie's cat clawed her couch, creating chaos.

11 Rhyme Definition: Words that sound the same. Rhyme scheme: A pattern of rhyming words. AABB The animal over there is a cat. The animal would look funny in a hat. The animal has a brick thrown at its head. The animal is recovering in its bed.

12 Parallel Structure Definition: using the same pattern of words to show that two or more words or ideas are of equal importance. (same pattern means same grammatical structure!!) Ashley likes to ski, to swim and to jump. Ashley likes to ski, swimming, and to jump.

13 Stanzas Do the stanzas have consistent line breaks? (couplets = 2 lines, quatrains = 4, cinquains = 5) Are the lines even? Are they different lengths? What’s the effect on the meaning? Is there a different idea in each stanza? Are all the ideas connected into one stanza?

14 Author’s purpose Definition: Why the piece was written.
Entertain/Persuade/Inform Prove a point Make a statement

15 Theme Definition: The message of a piece (NOT THE SUBJECT or topic!!) Subject= Theme= LOVE Love is unpredictable

16 Close Reading Let’s read “Legal Alien” together. While we’re reading, I want you to mark up your copy of the poem. Look at HOW Pat Mora is getting across her WHAT. Remember stylistic elements – types of words, figurative language, types of sentences, tone, types of STANZAS… At the top of the page, write what her message is about being a minority in the US.

17 Homework Do the 8 questions for “Legal Alien” for next class. #8 is a well written paragraph.

18 Bellringer: March 19 Read the poem. Then explain how the structure is emphasizing the meaning of the poem. Write your explanation in your notes. You all know this poem unless you have been deprived as a child.

19 Review of “Legal Alien”
Let’s check her tone. What did you write for #8? What’s the effect of having this poem be ONE stanza and ONE sentence (with many different parts)? What’s her theme? Write the theme on that paper. You’ll need that later.

20 “Negro Hero” Who’s Dorie Miller? What’s a daily and a weekly? – a daily printed newspaper and a weekly printed newspaper. The Enemy – the people attacking Pearl Harbor Mirage – an illusion or hallucination A Galley – the kitchen on a ship A creed – a belief REMEMBER TO READ the sentence and NOT the poetic line. It won’t make sense if you try to see the poetic line as a complete thought With your assigned partner, read the poem through first. Then work through the poem with the close reading questions. Mark the text and the question paper to create notes.

21 Homework: Finish the close reading questions for “Negro Hero (to suggest Dorie Miller)”

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