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Unit 1: Concepts (Civics)

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1 Unit 1: Concepts (Civics)
7th Grade Social Studies

The student will compare and contrast various forms of government

3 SS7CG1a, SS7CG4a, SS7CG6a Unitary:
Power is held by one central authority

4 SS7CG1a, SS7CG4a, SS7CG6a Confederation:
Voluntary associations of independent states

5 SS7CG1a, SS7CG4a, SS7CG6a Federal:
Power is divided (or shared) between one central government and several regional governments

6 SS7CG1b, SS7CG4b, SS7CG6b Autocracy:
One person possesses unlimited power The citizen has little or no role in the government Autocratic

7 SS7CG1b, SS7CG4b, SS7CG6b Oligarchy: Government ruled by a few
A small group exercises control The citizen has a limited role Oligarchic

8 SS7CG1b, SS7CG4b, SS7CG6b Democracy:
A government in which supreme power is vested with the people Citizens are involved with the government through the use of free and open elections Citizens have high amounts of personal freedoms Democratic

9 SS7CG1c, SS7CG4c, SS7CG6c Parliamentary Democracy:
Power is held by the legislature (elected by the citizens) The legislature chooses the head of government Executive power may be held by a “prime minister”

10 SS7CG1c, SS7CG4c, SS7CG6c Presidential Democracy:
President is constitutionally independent of the legislature The president is elected in an open and free election

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